[OSGeoJapan-discuss] Fwd: [OSGeo-Discuss] 2009 Board Election
Venkatesh Raghavan
raghavan @ media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
2009年 9月 29日 (火) 23:26:32 EDT
Dear All,
Nice to see that 50% of the new OSGeo Board would
have experience of FOSS4G events in Tokyo and
Osaka. Also nice to see representation from Asia.
Toru Mori (森亮) wrote:
> みなさん
> 森亮です。
> OSGeo財団(本家)の役員改選が行われ、新たに、
> * Chris Schmidt
> * Geoff Zeiss
> * Jeff McKenna
> * Markus Neteler (re-elected)
> * Ravi Kumar
> の5名が選出されました。
> Ravi Kumar氏以外は、OSGeo財団日本支部の過去のイベントに出席していますの
> で、ご存じの人も多いと思います。
> なお、Ravi Kumar氏はOSGeoインド支部のメンバーで、今回はアジアから唯一の
> 役員です。
> 役員は、任期は2年、定員が10名で、毎年その半数である5名が改選になります
> (再任もできる)。
> 以下は、今回の選挙結果を受けた、最新の役員リストです。
> * Ari Jolma
> * Arnulf Christl
> * Frank Warmerdam
> * Howard Butler
> * Markus Neteler
> * Chris Schmidt
> * Geoff Zeiss
> * Jeff McKenna
> * Ravi Kumar
> 11月のFOSS4Gのイベントでは、Arnulf(現在OSGeo財団のプレジデント)も来日
> します。
> (残念ながらJeffの来日は都合でキャンセルとなってしまいました)
> 以上、お知らせまで。
> Begin forwarded message:
>> 差出人: Paul Ramsey <pramsey at cleverelephant.ca>
>> 日時: 2009年9月29日 23:53:12JST
>> 宛先: OSGeo Discussions <discuss at lists.osgeo.org>, OSGeo-Board
>> <board at lists.osgeo.org>
>> 件名: [OSGeo-Discuss] 2009 Board Election Results
>> 返信先: OSGeo Discussions <discuss at lists.osgeo.org>
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Election_2009_Results
>> Here are the final results from the voting for the open seats of the
>> OSGeo Board of Directors. There were five seats open and they have
>> been filled by, in alphabetical order:
>> * Chris Schmidt
>> * Geoff Zeiss
>> * Jeff McKenna
>> * Markus Neteler (re-elected)
>> * Ravi Kumar
>> Thanks to everyone for running, it was a very large field of really
>> excellent candidates, it's a shame the board isn't bigger. The voting
>> participation was middling at 73% and there were no tie scores to
>> arbitrate.
>> Your complete resulting Board is:
>> * Ari Jolma
>> * Arnulf Christl
>> * Frank Warmerdam
>> * Howard Butler
>> * Markus Neteler
>> * Chris Schmidt
>> * Geoff Zeiss
>> * Jeff McKenna
>> * Ravi Kumar
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_of_Directors
>> Yours,
>> Paul Ramsey
>> CRO 2009
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