[OSGeoJapan-discuss] Map Asia 2010

Toru Mori(森亮) moritoru @ orkney.co.jp
2010年 5月 13日 (木) 19:50:51 EDT

Hi Jeff,

OSGeo.JP does not have any plans for involving in it.
I don't know any of OSGeo.JP folks will attend so far, not me at least.

I will ask the China chapter about it.

All the best,
Toru Mori

On 2010/05/14, at 3:23, Jeff McKenna wrote:

> Hello osgeo-jp!
> At an OSGeo board meeting today the topic of the Map Asia 2010 event came up; are there any plans for OSGeo to be involved in it?  I am wondering if OSGeo-JP has any plans to be involved.
> I will also ask this same question on the OSGeo-Vietnam email list.
> Could someone ask the OSGeo-China chapter also?
> Thanks everyone. :)
> -jeff
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Toru Mori
President & CEO  Orkney, Inc.
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