[OSGeoJapan-discuss] OSM hands-on session in Seattle
Hiroo Imaki
hiroo @ angeli.org
2011年 3月 14日 (月) 16:47:49 EDT
We would like to have an OSM hands-on session in Seattle area for
people who want to help suffering people by the earthquake and tsunami
events in Japan! We need high quality maps that are made by peoples
hand!! So, please join us if you can (If anybody is around Seattle
area...). If you have questions, please let me know in either Japanese
or English.
Here is the announcement of this event.
Event: Open Street Map hands-on session
Date: March 16th, 2011
Time: 1:00 pm
Location: http://www.ridolfi.com/ (They are hosting this event for
us!! Thank you so much!!!)
conference room (capacity 20-30)
1011 Western Ave., Seattle, WA 98104
MapLink: http://www.ridolfi.com/contact.html
Instructor: Dane Springmeyer (http://dbsgeo.com/)
Instructor’s some disaster related project: http://maps.eq.org.nz/
Target: participants need to have basic computer skills (we use web
browser to build map). You don't need GIS skills. It would be nice if
you can write Japanese (since we would like to have labels in
Japanese), but not required. You can (or need to) bring your laptop.
You also can observe other person’s laptop but bring your machine make
this session efficient.
Map and volunteers are essential for any kind of disaster relief
efforts. Even you are away from Japan or Tohoku area, you still can
help people who are suffering from this horrible event. We are
currently updating maps around the area where affected heavily by the
tsunami event. We would like to use OpenStreetMap to support map
updating effort. OSM is a worldwide map editing effort. for almost all
recent disasters, OSM played an critical role for relief effort.
So, I would like to have an OpenStreetMap (OSM) hands-on session to
support Japanese relief efforts using GIS and internet technology from
remote place. OSM is a powerful tool to share the latest geographic
information, so I believe we can help Tohoku people by providing
distributes centralized maps. I wrote short description about OSM
Through this session, you can get enough experience to start editing
maps on your own. We are also going to provide other resources to help
people there through geographic information and modern technology from
Dane Springmeyer will introduce OSM and how to edit it. There are two
ways to edit maps but you don't need any special software. Your
browser works for this purpose. Since we would like to have Japanese
labels on the map, it would be nice people can write Japanese but we
can edit English inputs later too. So, Japanese writing skill is
preferable but not necessary.
If you are interested in participate in this event, please let me
know. Questions are welcome too. My contact is
Hiroo Imaki
hiroo @ angeli.org
I would like to write this message in Japanese sometime this evening.
But you can distribute this info in any ways.
Thank you so much!
Hiroo Imaki
Hiroo Imaki
hiroo @ angeli.org
OSGeoJapan-discuss メーリングリストの案内