[OSGeoJapan-discuss] [OSGeoJapan-board] [Qgis-developer] Update and extension QGIS community voting membership: New deadline Friday 20 May 2016

Nobusuke Iwasaki wata909 @ gmail.com
2016年 5月 15日 (日) 17:25:53 PDT




2016-05-15 16:24 GMT+09:00 "Toru Mori (森 亮)" <moritoru @ cocoa.plala.or.jp>:
> 朝日さん
> 森です。
> 本件、賛成します。
>> 2016/05/15 15:55、kosuke asahi <waigania13 @ gmail.com> のメール:
>> みなさま
>> 朝日です。
>> OGSeoJPがqgis user group japanの代わりに登録できるか、tim suttonさんにメールしてみたところ、下記お返事頂きました。OSGeoJPがqgis user group的な活動も含んでいるんだよ、と明確にしておけばOKそうです。
>> ==
>> Yes this is fine. The french OSGEO do it like this too. It would be good if you had a dedicated QGIS page on your website or some clear wording explaining that you are also the QGIS user group - otherwise it can get very confusing if someone else in Japan also wants to start a national QGIS user group. Ideally also registerQGIS.jp and forward it to QGIS.org or to your QGIS user group page.
>> Do you have the link to the form for registering your user group? I am about to get on a plane, but if you need the link pop me a note and I will send it when I land.
>> ==
>> OSGeoJPとして登録するという部分は進めても良いでしょうか?>運営委員のみなさま
>> 日本のcontact person/voting memberは再度決めていただきたいと思います。
>> OSGeoJP総会の際にでも、qgisのページどうするかは相談させていただきたいのですが、
>> - とりあえずqgis.jpは私が取っちゃいました。現在コンテンツなしです。
>> - qgis.jpには、"日本の独自のユーザグループはない、osgeo.jpがその代わりになっている"表記だけして、osgeo.jpにリダイレクト
>> 程度は最低やっておこうと思います。いかがでしょうか?
>> もちろん、どなたかqgis user groupの運営に手を挙げていただければ、OSGeoJPと連携しながら別に活動していただくのもありだと思います。その場合は、qgis.jpもお譲りいたします。
>> ご確認よろしくお願いします。
>> 2016-05-14 8:18 GMT+09:00 kosuke asahi <waigania13 @ gmail.com>:
>> みなさま
>> 朝日です。
>> OSGeoJPで登録可能なのか聞いてみますね。
>> 2016-05-13 10:40 GMT+09:00 Toshikazu SETO <tosseto @ csis.u-tokyo.ac.jp>:
>> 瀬戸です。
>> 下記見ると、コミュニティであったり個人名であったりまちまちですね。
>> OSGeo.JPとして、もしくはOSGeo.JP内のQGISワーキンググループのような
>> 位置づけにしていただいた上で、登録いただければ良いかと思います。
>> いずれにせよ、QGISに特化して長年深くコントリビュートいただいているのは
>> 運営委員メンバーの中でも、嘉山さん・朝日さんが筆頭かと思いますので
>> お二人(もしくは我こそはという方いたらぜひ)を共同代表として名前を挙げる
>> などしていただいても良いかと思います。よろしくお願いします。
>> On 2016/05/13 10:19, kosuke asahi wrote:
>> 嘉山さま、みなさま
>> 朝日です。
>> OSGeo.JPが、日本のqgis user groupの代わりに登録できるなら、しておいた方がいいと思います。
>> できるんですかね?
>> 2016-05-12 18:46 GMT+09:00 Yoichi Kayama <yoichi.kayama @ gmail.com>:
>> かやまです
>> QGISコミュニティがいろいろ仕組みを変えようとしております。
>> Voting membershipというのを導入しようとしております。
>> 各国のQGISコミュニティの名前があがっておりますが、日本はQGISだけのコミュニティというのは作っておらず
>> OSGeo.JPの活動の一環でQGISのローカライズや普及活動をやっております。
>> このあたりNominateしていくべきだと思いますがいかがいたしましょ。
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Tim Sutton <tim @ qgis.org>
>> Date: 2016-05-12 18:34 GMT+09:00
>> Subject: [Qgis-developer] Update and extension QGIS community voting
>> membership: New deadline Friday 20 May 2016
>> To: QGIS Developer Mailing List <qgis-developer @ lists.osgeo.org>,
>> qgis-community <qgis-community-team @ lists.osgeo.org>, QGIS Translation
>> Discussions <qgis-tr @ lists.osgeo.org>
>> Hi all
>> Firstly my apologies if things are not all as clear as they should be for
>> the community voting member nomination process - please bear in mind that
>> we are bootstrapping the QGIS.org <http://qgis.org> and the governance of
>> it and we can certainly expect some teething troubles along the way. I
>> would like to respond to some of the queries that have been raised and
>> extend the deadline (new deadline is Friday 20 May 2016) for voting to
>> accommodate those who still have doubts. I am going to write mainly in
>> bullet points to keep things as clear as possible.
>> Eligibility to nominate:
>> =================
>> If you fall into one of these groups you can make your nominations:
>> * all people with commit rights to any official QGIS repository on GitHub
>> : https://github.com/orgs/qgis/people (note that page is paginated so
>> check the subsequent pages if you are not on the first page)
>> * language maintainers and admins for any officially translated language
>> on transifex for any of these transifex projects: QGIS Desktop, QGIS
>> Documentation, QGIS Website - https://www.transifex.com/qgis/
>> * any Redmine user with ‘manager’ status in this list
>> http://hub.qgis.org/projects/quantum-gis/settings/members (if you can’t
>> see that page, you are not in the manager list). These users are listed as
>> redmine managers:
>> 4everskiff
>> Alessandro Pasotti
>> Alexander Bruy
>> Etienne Tourigny
>> Gary Sherman
>> Giovanni Manghi
>> Giuseppe Sucameli
>> Jürgen Fischer
>> Larry Shaffer
>> Marco Hugentobler
>> Martin Dobias
>> Matthias Kuhn
>> Médéric RIBREUX
>> Paolo Cavallini
>> Radim Blazek
>> Raymond Nijssen
>> Richard Duivenvoorde
>> Saber Razmjooei
>> Tim Sutton
>> Nomination process:
>> ================
>> * if you fall into any of the above groups you can nominate UP TO TEN
>> persons from the broader QGIS community who you consider to be good
>> candidates to be QGIS Community Voting members
>> * once all of the nominations are in, we will count the nominations and
>> elect the community voting members based on the number of votes they have
>> received.
>> * in the event of a tie breaker (e.g. the number of nominees exceeds 11
>> nominees with the lowest number of votes have the same amount of votes so
>> we cannot determine the ’top eleven’), we will provide an opportunity to do
>> another round of nominations for the contested places.
>> * Make your nomination using this form: http://goo.gl/forms/vkoYZkE03C
>> * PSC members may also participate in the nomination process but are not
>> eligible for nomination
>> * I encourage you to be diverse in your nominations - QGIS aspires to be a
>> welcoming community to people from all walks of life and we do not
>> discriminate based on coders, non-coders, religion, race, gender, sexual
>> orientation, geographic community etc. See our diversity statement:
>> https://www.qgis.org/en/site/getinvolved/governance/codeofconduct/diversitystatement.html and
>> code of conduct:
>> https://www.qgis.org/en/site/getinvolved/governance/codeofconduct/codeofconduct.html
>> * You do not need to contact your nominee first to determine if they are
>> willing to serve as voting member. We will verify each shortlisted nominee
>> is available to serve  as a community voting member and remove them from
>> the master list if they are not.
>> * The deadline for nominations has been extended until Midnight CET,
>> Friday 20 May 2016
>> User groups:
>> ============
>> * User groups may replace their voting member at any time
>> * User group voting members are NOT eligible to elect the community voting
>> members unless they are also in one of the groups listed above in
>> ‘eligibility to nominate'
>> * The following representatives of user groups will automatically be
>> assumed to be the user group voting member representatives:
>> Contact person QGIS User Group name
>> ——————————————————————————————————
>> 1 Brent Wood NIWA QGIS USer Group
>> 2 Anibal Alarcon Lima Perú QGIS User Group
>> 3 Paolo Cavallini Gruppo degli utenti italiani di QGIS
>> 4 Lene Fischer QGIS Brugergruppe Danmark
>> 5 Ross McDonald QGIS UK - Scottish User Group
>> 6 simon miles England
>> 7 João Gaspar QGIS Portugal
>> 8 Kevin Williams Wales (Cymru)
>> 9 Thomas Schüttenberg QGIS Anwendergruppe Deutschland e.V. (QGIS-DE e.V.)
>> 10 Andreas Neumann QGIS User Group Switzerland
>> 11 Milena Nowotarska Polska Grupa Użytkowników QGIS
>> What happens next?
>> ================
>> * After the nomination process for the QGIS Community Voting members there
>> will be 23 voting members consisting of:
>>    * 11 User group voting members
>>    * 11 Community voting members
>>    * 1 OSGEO board voting member
>> * The voting members will elect the board
>> * All current PSC members will (unless they request otherwise) be
>> candidates for election to the board
>> * Voting members may nominate additional candidates for the board election
>> * The candidates can be ANY QGIS community member (i.e. not only those
>> identified in the eligibility to nominate section above)
>> * The PSC currently consists of
>>     * 1 Tim Sutton (Chair),
>>     * 2 Paolo Cavallini (Vice chair),
>>     * 3 Otto Dassau
>>     * 4 Marco Hugentobler
>>     * 5 Anita Graser
>>     * 6 Andreas Neumann (treasurer)
>>     * 7 Richard Duivenvoorde
>>     * 8 Paolo Cavallini
>>     * 9 Jürgen Fischer
>>     * 10 Gary Sherman (project founder, honorary member for life)
>> * The voting members will elect the Board consisting of 9 elected members
>> + Gary Sherman by electronic vote
>> * The Board, when elected, will elect a chairman
>> * We are going to move the first Annual General Meeting of the Board to
>> Bonn later this year
>> * We will announce the election results at the AGM meeting in Bonn later
>> this year
>> * If you would like to discuss anything about the Verein procedures, join
>> us at the Town Hall Meeting on 26 May 2016 at the QGIS User conference -
>> http://www.sigte.udg.edu/jornadassiglibre/en/international-qgis-user-and-developer-conference/conferencia-qgis/ (details
>> still pending on that page)
>> * The voting members will be asked to approve the QGIS.org
>> <http://qgis.org> budget each year (by electronic vote)
>> * The voting members will be asked to approve the project status report
>> from the chair each year (by electronic vote)
>> * The voting members will be asked to vote on board member elections
>> * Voting members will NOT be required to attend meetings in-person in
>> order to vote, but will be expected to vote and stay informed about the
>> QGIS project in order to make a meaningful vote.
>> This is all rather complicated...
>> =======================
>> Yes I know and I can only apologise for that! We are trying to keep things
>> as simple as possible whilst still keeping it democratic and fair. Its not
>> easy to balance these things and we expect to iteratively improve and
>> refine the process over time. As an organisation there are various
>> statutory requirements we need to adhere to and various procedural
>> requirements that we need to follow if we are to change our voting system
>> etc. I expect that we will do a revision to the above process based on your
>> (constructive) feedback, but we need to limit these amendments to as few as
>> possible because it is a high administrative overhead to deal with changes
>> to the QGIS.org <http://qgis.org> statutes.
>> Please feel free to contact me if you have any queries, I will try to help
>> / address your concerns.
>> With thanks,
>> ---
>> *Tim Sutton*
>> QGIS Project Steering Committee Chair
>> tim @ qgis.org
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>> _______________________________________________
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>> OSGeoJapan-board @ lists.osgeo.org
>> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/osgeojapan-board
>> --
>> Toshikazu SETO, Ph.D.
>> Center for Spatial Information Science
>> University of Tokyo
>> e-mail: tosseto @ csis.u-tokyo.ac.jp
>> URL: http://researchmap.jp/tosseto/
>> http://i.csis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/
>> 瀬戸寿一 東京大学空間情報科学研究センター・特任講師
>> _______________________________________________
>> OSGeoJapan-board mailing list
>> OSGeoJapan-board @ lists.osgeo.org
>> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/osgeojapan-board
> _______________________________________________
> OSGeoJapan-board mailing list
> OSGeoJapan-board @ lists.osgeo.org
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/osgeojapan-board

岩崎 亘典

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