[OSGeoJapan-discuss] Integration of Japanese GIS formats into mainline GDAL ?
Nobusuke Iwasaki
wata909 @ gmail.com
2017年 3月 21日 (火) 01:35:59 PDT
Akagi-san and all,
Thank you for the information and contribution not only GDAL-FGD but
also many useful QGIS plugins.
I could convert Japanese FDG to shpape files. It is very useful!!
I will check that it is possible to convert old Japanese FDG files with GDAL.
Best regards,
2017-03-20 10:10 GMT+09:00 Minoru Akagi <akaginch @ gmail.com>:
> Hi Even, Miura-san and all,
> Good news for us!
> The new GMLAS driver can read Japanese FDG vector data files!
> http://www.gdal.org/drv_gmlas.html
> Maybe we do not need to maintain own (separated) driver/GML feature
> schema files (.gfs) for FGD vector data anymore.
> Even, your work is really great! Thank you very much!
> 興味がある方向けに手順を示します。
> 1. 基盤地図情報JPGIS(GML)形式ファイルとその応用スキーマ定義ファイルを国土地理院のサイトからダウンロードして展開する。
> - http://fgd.gsi.go.jp/download/menu.php
> - http://fgd.gsi.go.jp/otherdata/spec/FGD_GMLSchemaV4.1.zip
> 2. OSGeo4W64インストーラのアドバンスインストールでgdal-devパッケージ(現在の最新版は2.2.0-37652)をインストール。
> 3. OSGeo4W64シェルを開いてgdal-devのバイナリにパスを通す。
> set PATH=C:\OSGeo4W64\apps\gdal-dev\bin;%PATH%
> 4. コマンド例
> a) データファイルの内容の表示
> ogrinfo -ro GMLAS:FG-GML-523307-WL-20170101-0001.xml -oo
> b) ogr2ogrコマンドでシェープファイルに変換
> ogr2ogr waterline GMLAS:FG-GML-523307-WL-20170101-0001.xml -oo
> ENCODING=932 --debug ON
> ---
> Regards,
> Minoru
> 2017-03-18 14:11 GMT+09:00 Minoru Akagi <akaginch @ gmail.com>:
>> Hi all,
>> 2017-03-18 12:38 GMT+09:00 Hiroshi Miura(@osmf) <miurahr @ osmf.jp>:
>>> On 2017年03月18日 11:26, Minoru Akagi wrote:
>>>> Hi Miura-san, Even and all,
>>>> The FGD schema has been updated many times. Frankly, GML is too
>>>> complex. It is extremely difficult to create a software that fully
>>>> supports all the files witten in the language. We need to avoid
>>>> breaking the GML driver compatibiilty with the data formats of other
>>>> countries. Tinkered driver code will burden developers and maintainers
>>>> (sorry! :-<).
>>> It is because we need more test data and test cases not to break other work.
>>> GDAL is a collaborative work and is a platform to help each other over countries.
>>> Please don't shame but let's gather your and Japanese community
>>> to contribute to the code. Tinkered code can be forged
>>> like Japanese sword artisans team by pushing, pulling, hardening and patching:)
>>> Ok, it is true GML spec is very complex and GSI's crafted specification is not stable.
>>> There is a good chance to put our ideas to separate these complexity from the code.
>>> GMLAS is an approach toward this idea.
>> Anyone tested the GMLAS driver with FGD files? Probably the way to go.
>> Minoru
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