[Live-demo] Re: progress
Stefan Hansen
stefan.hansen at lisasoft.com
Wed Aug 26 17:44:59 PDT 2009
Nope, haven't really touched the OS at all. I'm focusing on getting lots
of apps up and running.
Things might be different, when I get to creating the ISO. But these
changes should not be made to the GISVM, I guess.
Ricardo Pinho wrote:
> Hi,
> No, please continue, I will be very busy these next days!!!
> I'm working hard to convince a sponsor to help me pay the costs to visit you guys ;-)
> Have you made any significant changes on Ubuntu?
> Cheers,
> Ricardo
> ----- Mensagem original ----
> De: Stefan Hansen <stefan.hansen at lisasoft.com>
> Para: Ricardo Pinho <rpinho_eng at yahoo.com.br>; Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at lisasoft.com>
> Cc: "live-demo at lists.osgeo.org" <live-demo at lists.osgeo.org>
> Enviadas: Quarta-feira, 26 de Agosto de 2009 8:30:37
> Assunto: progress
> Hey!
> I added today some things to the VM:
> Postgres/Postgis
> PGadmin3
> sun jre 6
> tomcat6 and tomcat admin
> Mapserver
> apaches2
> udig and Geoserver are in progress...
> I also started to configure somethings in tomcat, Postgres.
> for some of these apps I checked a script into svn (not all though. Most
> of it is anyway only apt-get, so you should be able to reproduce it, if
> you want).
> Ricardo, if you want to add something, can you write a script for it,
> which I can simply run in my VM?
> cheers,
> stefan
> --
> Stefan Hansen
> Software Engineer
> LISAsoft
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Stefan Hansen
Software Engineer
Ph: +61 3 8680 3200 Fax: +61 3 8680 3299 Mob: +61
Level 9, 601 Bourke St, Melbourne Vic 3000
LISAsoft is part of the A2end Group of Companies
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