[Live-demo] Engaging Click2Try in the next version of the LiveGISdistribution

Bob Basques Bob.Basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Tue Dec 8 12:04:38 PST 2009


ok, I've been watching on the sidelines here, and also have a few minutes to chime in . . . 

I'm going to suggest something a little bit of left field here too, may even go beyond the OSGEO borders as well. 

Has anyone thought about a online package builder, something that handles the dependencies automatically, but allows for different packages to be chosen by the user.   The best comparison I can think of right now, would be something like CPAN for PERL, but for assembling OSGEO stacks (plus others?) 

This is something I've been pondering from the USB build side for example, and the two different approaches might be combinable some how.  Also, it allows for a slower more measured build-out as each package can be added incrementally as time goes on, assuming a registration method could be had to facilitate inclusion.  By also using a build mechanism like this, multiple starter packages can exist as well as possible even registering custom packages later on for others to reuse. 

Just spit balling here, but it seems like saying something earlier rather than later . . . . 


>>> Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com> wrote:

Our FOSS4G conference is over, and our LiveGIS team are starting to plan
for our next release (probably in March 2010).

Some of our pain points in the last release were:
* Click2Try were only brought in at the last minute, and hence we had a
number of bugs in click2try which were being addressed under the
pressure of a tight deadline.

* Because we were so focused on the development, and the FOSS4G
conference, we only had limited time for marketing and engaging with the
user community.

* Many of our packagers have limited bandwidth, and consequently are not
in a position to download multiple iterations of a distribution themselves.

I wonder whether click2try would be interested in providing our team
with a few online development servers which we can use to build our image.

What are your thoughts here?

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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