[Live-demo] Release 3.0 and 4.0 schedule + draft press release

Judit Mays mays at lat-lon.de
Wed Dec 16 02:32:13 PST 2009

thank you, Alex, for your explanation.

I especially appreciate the thoughts on getting OSGeo projects to
provide their software as (ubuntu/debian) packages. I see the value for
the GISVM/LiveDVD build process as well as for the project itself.

May be this should be added to the press release? May be this should
also be discussed in or brought to attention of a broader audience?
Incubation list? OSGeo discuss? (I am unsure, as I am still trying to
get to know the OSGeo way of doing things.)

Kind regards,

Alex Mandel schrieb:
> That might be a good way to go about naming, a best of both worlds.
> That's part of why I suggested this would be release 2.5, saving the 3.0
> goodness or whole numbers for conference releases. .5 could still be a
> major release though as Firefox has proven.
> I don't think we had decided at all what our release strategy would be.
> Nor am I aware of any formal process to do so. The current suggestion
> for work on the next release comes from my specific needs for the
> conference season. If we wanted to just do a bugfix release that would
> be an option.
> I've recommended the every 6 months as a way for us to help keep up with
>  Ubuntu, which our live demo is based on, and as a way to motivate
> projects to make/maintain packages. Creating packages is one of the side
> goals of this effort specifically because it would make adding it to the
> live-demo a one click operation, and would help a good deal of users out
> there with easier installs. Most of the OSGeo projects release quite
> often, so there's no shortage of major new innovations coming out all
> the time, and that's one of our strongest selling points. I actually see
> projects needing to put less effort into the live demo over time as long
> as they maintain deb/ubuntu packages, in fact they might not have to do
> any additional work at all.
> Thanks,
> Alex
> Judit Mays wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I would like to mention the German speaking FOSSGIS conference [1],
>> March 2nd-5th 2010. I assume this might be too soon for the next
>> OSGeo-Disc (version 3.0)?
>> I agree with Hamish to first solve the naming problem before a press
>> release. I also favour Cameron's intention to inform people before
>> season vacation.
>> When I joined this list in mid year, I thought Arramagong was a cool
>> name for a conference handout in Australia. At that point I didn't know
>> about the GISVM/LiveDVD project's broader approach, and I am still not
>> sure about all aspects to it...
>> I thought Arramagong was a release name, like Karmic Koala is for Ubuntu
>> 9.10. And I thought this a perfect idea, to have a release name that
>> suits the conference hosting country so well as does Arramagong.
>> May be this might help to find a naming for the future? Even if it was
>> just a misunderstanding on my side, it might be a common
>> misunderstanding? Therefore I would suggest the regular standard name to
>> be fairly "boring" (technical, matter of factly) and add a touch of
>> spices with the yearly conference location giving some local touch.
>> "Gaudi" comes to my mind when thinking of Barcelona, and it would match
>> the next years conference logo as well. But please come up with
>> something else all together if you feel inspired...
>> By the way, I seem to miss discussions on the projects contents like:
>> when did you guys talk about and decide that there should be 2 major
>> releases each year? My impression from the mails on this list was a
>> drift towards one major release towards FOSS4G and another minor half a
>> year later. I am wondering where these decisions are made and by whom? I
>> am just interested in the decision process.
>> Don't get me wrong. I am not overly interested to have it this way or
>> that. There might be ups and downs for both ways.
>> Some downs for two major releases from my perspective are:
>> * it would weaken my splendid idea of a conference-special-spicy-name
>> for the product ;-)
>> * some projects might decide to only update their GISVM/LiveDVD-versions
>> for the annual gathering of tribes (FOSS4G), as the work involved might
>> be too much if you can't find volunteers willing to go through the
>> process twice a year.
>> Happy to hear your thoughts,
>> Judit
>> [1] the only page I found with at least some English contents:
>> http://www.fossgis.de/konferenz/wiki/2010/Call_for_Papers
>> Cameron Shorter schrieb:
>>> I've put together a draft schedule at:
>>> http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=tMRaCwabv7SiIG3moHEfMrQ&hl=en_GB
>>> And I'm interested to hear feedback on whether people think this is
>>> good. Note: I have 6 weeks factored in from Feature Freeze to Final
>>> Release, to allow for testing.
>>> Alex, I'm interested to know the dates up the upcoming conferences so
>>> that we can ensure we have the 3.0 DVD ready in time for it.
>>> I also have a draft press release which I think we should send out in a
>>> couple of days calling on projects to contribute toward the Live DVD.
>>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc_Press_Release_1
>>> Again, looking for feedback on this too.

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