[Live-demo] Re: deegree

Judit Mays mays at lat-lon.de
Wed Sep 2 22:51:33 PDT 2009

Hi Ricardo,
deegree WFS is happy to run in the same tomcat as deegree WMS and
deegree WCS and ... This is usually no problem at all. I must admit I
have not tried to run it in the same tomcat as GeoServer, but I doubt
that this would cause a problem.

If you do run into problems again with Arramagong, please let me know
how. But please make sure to have enough heap space like 512MB.
Otherwise tomcat will most definitely crash.


Ricardo Pinho schrieb:
> Hi Judit,
> That's a  very good. I will have to check it again!
> Hmm, is it possible that WFS can be in conflit with other Tomcat installed and running servlets? Geoserver for instance?! or other deegree one's?
> Thanks,
> Ricardo
> ----- Mensagem original ----
> De: Judit Mays <mays at lat-lon.de>
> Para: Ricardo Pinho <rpinho_eng at yahoo.com.br>
> Enviadas: Quarta-feira, 2 de Setembro de 2009 13:28:15
> Assunto: Re: [Live-demo] Re: deegree
> Ricardo Pinho schrieb:
>>>  Try increasing to 512MB and see if the
>> Unfortunately no! I've tried it with the same result!
>> Can you please test it on this FOSS4G2009 GISVM version?
>> And BTW, WFS 2.1 version runs OK!
>> Just deploy it on tomcat and see the result...(i haven't done it yet on this new alfa 1 version)
> Well, that is what I did - without problems. That's why I asked, if it
> is okay on your server or if I need to do some other steps to achieve a
> broken tomcat. Please see my 8 steps described in the earlier mail.
> Cheers,
> Judit
>> Thank you,
>> Ricardo
>> ----- Mensagem original ----
>> De: Judit Mays <mays at lat-lon.de>
>> Para: Ricardo Pinho <rpinho_eng at yahoo.com.br>
>> Cc: live-demo at lists.osgeo.org
>> Enviadas: Quarta-feira, 2 de Setembro de 2009 12:49:12
>> Assunto: Re: [Live-demo] Re: deegree
>> Hello Ricardo,
>> another thought: Could the tomcat Java heap space of 128MB be causing
>> this problem on your machine? Try increasing to 512MB and see if the
>> problem disappears.
>> Kind regards,
>> Judit
>> Judit Mays schrieb:
>>> Hello Ricardo,
>>> thanks for the welcome.
>>> deegree version 2.2 is correct. As there are only stable versions
>>> supposed to make it to the DVD (which is good), there is no other option
>>> at the moment.
>>> The issue with deegree-wfs crashing tomcat6:
>>> I read the two forum posts at
>>> http://gisvm.com/forum/index.php?topic=44.0 and checked with the
>>> Arramagong-LiveDVD alpha. I cannot confirm your problem. What I did:
>>> 1. download the deegree-wfs at
>>> http://download.deegree.org/deegree2.2/deegree-wfs_v2_2.zip
>>> 2. unzip the archive to /home/user/deegree/
>>> 3. go to localhost:8080/manager/html and upload deegree-wfs.war archive
>>> 4. send some test requests to WFS - fine
>>> 5. reboot ubuntu
>>> 6. send some test requests to WFS - fine
>>> 7. restart VirtualBox
>>> 8. send some test requests to WFS - fine
>>> So to me there does not seem to be a problem with deegree-wfs in the
>>> tomcat6. Could you please recheck in your system again? Or tell me what
>>> I should change in my steps to cause the problem?
>>> The other issue (additional steps):
>>> These additional steps are not mandatory to use deegree-wfs. They are
>>> just a nice add on. So it wouldn't be a disaster to not get this going.
>>> But I will do my best to try and specify the necessary steps.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Judit
>>> Ricardo Pinho schrieb:
>>>> Hi Judit,
>>>> Nice to have you on board!
>>>> I've done some work already on installing Deegree on GISVM (on the GISVM Server edition)
>>>> To achieve that, I've used the war deployment of stable version 2.2.
>>>> Please confirm if that is the version you which to be available for FOSS4G 2009?
>>>> I've found 2 main issues there:
>>>> - WFS WAR deployment crashed TomCAT (stops responding)
>>>> http://gisvm.com/forum/index.php?topic=44.0
>>>> - There some additional steps that could be made for demo tutorial to work (like Postgis connections, etc)
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ricardo Pinho
>>>> http://gisvm.com
>>>> ----- Mensagem original ----
>>>> De: Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com>
>>>> Para: Judit Mays <mays at lat-lon.de>
>>>> Cc: Stefan Hansen <Stefan.Hansen at lisasoft.com>; Ricardo Pinho <rpinho_eng at yahoo.com.br>; "live-demo at lists.osgeo.org" <live-demo at lists.osgeo.org>
>>>> Enviadas: Segunda-feira, 31 de Agosto de 2009 21:56:54
>>>> Assunto: Re: [Fwd: Re: The Easy steps to get your project on the FOSS4G Live DVD]
>>>> Hi Judit,
>>>> Great to have you on board.
>>>> I've CCed your email to the demo list so that we can work on a response in parallel.
>>>> Of note, I've started updating the Wiki build steps, in response to your questions at:
>>>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GISVM_Build#How_to_add_your_project_or_data_to_GISVM_.2F_Arramagong
>>>> Judit Mays wrote:
>>>> Hello Cameron,
>>>> thank you for considering deegree for the DVD and for contacting us
>>>> directly.
>>>> I will be your contact for this project (integrating deegree on the
>>>> Live-DVD for FOSS4G 2009). I will try and provide you with everything
>>>> needed in time.
>>>> I am registered on the Live-Demo mailing list since a couple of hours,
>>>> but of course I don't know all what has been said there so far.
>>>> I also had a look at some of the relevant wiki pages, but couldn't quite
>>>> figure out what I need to do exactly.
>>>> I still have a couple of questions. If you prefer me to resend them to
>>>> the list I will do so, just let me know please.
>>>> As I understand, you want to have a script to install deegree as a
>>>> package within Ubuntu.
>>>> I have never done anything alike, but I am willing to figure it out, if
>>>> this is really what is needed.
>>>> deegree is no software that you would "install" on your hard drive. As
>>>> deegree offers different web applications (several Web Services and a
>>>> Web Client), all we usually do is put some WAR-archives inside a tomcat
>>>> and start the tomcat. No Ubuntu packages needed, no installation needed.
>>>> Only copying files to the file system and some configuration inside the
>>>> tomcat and the webapps.
>>>> Are there no other projects along this line of approach?
>>>> Do I really need to provide a script? Doing what exactly?
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Judit
>>>> -- Cameron Shorter
>>>> Geospatial Systems Architect
>>>> Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
>>>> Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
>>>> Think Globally, Fix Locally
>>>> Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source
>>>> http://www.lisasoft.com
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