[Live-demo] MapTiler for FOSS4G 2009

klokan at gmail.com klokan at gmail.com
Mon Sep 7 05:19:30 PDT 2009

Hi everybody,

I am submitting the upgraded version of install_maptiler.sh - it is
attached to this email.

Please, can somebody check this script and include it into the SVN for
LiveDVD beta?
It seems I don't have SVN access to the LiveDVD repository.

I have added the record for MapTiler into the table at wiki:

Feel free to contact me in case of any troubles.

Thank you!


On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 1:35 PM, klokan at gmail.com <klokan at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Cameron,
> I prepared the installation script for MapTiler and tested it with the
> alpha version of LiveDVD. It is attached to this email. Can you please
> review and commit it to the SVN?
> The script is based on the GRASS one. Grass seems to be installed in
> the latest version from the les-ejk.cz repository, so I am using the
> gdal 1.6 packages from the same repository. In case you will switch
> with GRASS to another repository (like Ubuntu GIS) then my script
> should be changed as well.
> Installation should be straight forward and hopefully without problems.
> The script prints instructions for a simple test of the functionality
> of the program - as it was requested.
> The MapTiler is in version 1.0 alpha3 (but quite stable). If we manage
> to release and properly test the first beta till Monday then I will
> send another updated installation script for the LiveDVD to this
> mailing-list.
> Is there anything else what I should do for including the MapTiler on
> LiveDVD in this moment?
> What about the windows installer?
> Best regards,
> Klokan
> P.S.
> To try it you should:
> 1. Start MapTiler by clicking the icon on the Desktop
> 2. Load in the second step an example raster GEODATA (with georerence/srs)
> 3. Go trough all the steps with 'Next' up to the Render
> 4. Once the render is finished you can click in the GUI to open a
> folder with tiles. When you open googlemaps.html or openlayers.html
> then you see your geodata warped to the overlay of popular interactive
> web maps as Google Maps.
> The map tiles are displayed directly from your disk. To publish the
> map to Internet just upload the folder with tiles to any webserver or
> Amazon S3.
> It is quite simple to use with a nice GUI, and therefore it is
> attractive for the newbies in FOSS4G or anybody who is creating map
> mashups with OpenLayers and Google Maps API and needs to overlay
> existing raster geodata.
> On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 11:14 PM, Cameron Shorter
> <cameron.shorter at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Klokan,
>> If your application is stable, and we get it on in time, and it passes QA
>> next week, then yes it is welcome on the disk.
>> The steps for getting your application on the LiveDVD are outlined here.
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GISVM_Build
>> In short, we are looking for you to write an installer script (by tomorrow)
>> that we can run and install your application.
>> As you already have a .deb file, it should be reasonably straight forward.
>> From the LiveDVD point of view, we are memory constrained. In particular,
>> any disk writes you do in your application, are written to memory. This
>> might be limiting for a demo of a tiling application.
>> We do plan to have windows installers on the live DVD, and I need to chase
>> FrankW about what is done for that.
>> klokan at gmail.com wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am the author of the open-source MapTiler application
>>> (http://www.maptiler.org/) - I am going to have presentation about
>>> this project at FOSS4G 2009.
>>> I will be very glad if the application can find the way to the
>>> LiveDVD, which is going to be distributed in Sydney.
>>> There is a Windows installer downloadable at the address - I hope part
>>> of the DVD is also Windows partition with installers for FOSS
>>> projects.
>>> http://maptiler.googlecode.com/files/maptiler-1.0-alpha3-setup.exe
>>> We prepared the Debian package - it correctly installs the MapTiler
>>> application into Ubuntu. You can downloaded it here:
>>> http://maptiler.googlecode.com/files/maptiler_1.0.alpha3_all.deb
>>> Depends: python (>=2.5), python-wxgtk2.8 (>=2.8), python-gdal (>=1.6)
>>> Where first two are standard part of the latest ubuntu and the last
>>> one is part of the UbuntuGis project:
>>> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntugis (personal archives provide the .debs)
>>> - the important for us is the gdal package in version 1.6+.
>>> Are UbuntuGIS packages standard part of the LiveDVD?
>>> Let me know what I should do to include MapTiler onto the LiveDVD.
>>> Thank you for your assistance and effort related to the DVD.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Klokan Petr Pridal
>>> P.S.
>>> There is also an installer for MacOSX, but I guess you will not have a
>>> Mac section at the DVD...
>> --
>> Cameron Shorter
>> Geospatial Systems Architect
>> Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
>> Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
>> Think Globally, Fix Locally
>> Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source
>> http://www.lisasoft.com
> --
> http://blog.klokan.cz/
> http://www.maptiler.org/
> http://www.oldmapsonline.org/

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