[Live-demo] GeoKettle on alpha5

Etienne Dube etdube at gmail.com
Wed Sep 16 13:57:46 PDT 2009

Hi Cameron,

Done (GeoKettle runs fine on either 5 or 6, no specific preference; 
future versions may eventually rely on Java 6 features though). I also 
completed the text description.

Thanks for all your work,


Cameron Shorter a écrit :
> Thanks Etienne,
> If you have not done so already, can you please update your install 
> script header with a comment about what versions of java geokettle 
> will run with, and which you would prefer (if any). This will be 
> useful for future packagers.
> Etienne Dube wrote:
>> I downloaded alpha5 and tested GeoKettle, everything seems fine. Also 
>> installed sun-java5-bin and tried it under this version just to make 
>> sure. Either java 5 or 6 will work with GeoKettle.
>> I will update the text description and test steps today.
>> Etienne
>> Cameron Shorter a écrit :
>>> The latest alpha5 LiveDVD is available for download. Please download 
>>> and check your applications run as you would expect, and adjust any 
>>> scripts as required.
>>> With this latest build of the Live DVD, I've kept install logs, and 
>>> also checked disk size after each package install, so you can get an 
>>> indication about how much space each application uses. (Note that 
>>> this also includes the tmp/ download directory which is not deleted 
>>> during the download).
>>> The latest image, and logs are available at: 
>>> http://download.osgeo.org/livedvd/ 
>>> <http://download.osgeo.org/livedvd/ArramagongGISVM2009alpha4.7z.1>
>>> Next:
>>> ====
>>> By COB this Wednesday 16 Sept:
>>> =======================
>>> * Test your application, make sure it works. Adjust your scripts if 
>>> required. Report back to this email list that your application has 
>>> been tested and works (or doesn't).
>>> * We need a text description of your project to put into the 
>>> documentation, as per: 
>>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GISVM_Build#Writing_docs
>>> * Ensure that test steps for your project are defined at: 
>>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc_Testing
>>> It should contain enough information for an Ubuntu user who is 
>>> unfamiliar an application to try it out and confirm that everything 
>>> has been installed correctly.''
>>> * Java projects, please provide guidance on what version of Java we 
>>> should ship - whether we should use Tomcat, Jetty, or something 
>>> else. It seems we have a number of projects installing their own JRE.
>>> Thursday 17 Sept:
>>> ============
>>> * Release 2.0 RC 1 of virtual machine. Ask foss4g delegates to try 
>>> out the DVD and report any errors they find. (This will be a major 
>>> FOSS4G press release).
>>> * I hope to also have an ISO of the live DVD created from this image 
>>> as well.
>>> * Developers, please ensure the metrics like version number and 
>>> contact person are up to date at: 
>>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc_Packages
>>> Final release:
>>> =========
>>> At the moment, deadline for final build  to meet our printing 
>>> deadline is Sunday 20 September, in 1 week. I hope to be able to get 
>>> an extra week for testing. I'm still negotiating on this, so please 
>>> do get everything working and tested this week.
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