[Live-demo] Live DVD next release build starts in 12 hours - where are the docs?

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Wed Sep 16 19:06:08 PDT 2009

Make that
sed -i 's/mleslie/user/g' filename.sql

-i means make change in place, ie saves the edits


Alex Mandel wrote:
> I think I know what's causing the "mleslie" role error. If Mark did a
> dump from an existing database in the create table schema it
> specifically includes the user that owns the database, we somehow need
> to change that to the live disc user.
> A quick hack would be to create the mleslie user before import.
> sudo -u postgres createuser --superuser mleslie
> Another option might be to do a scripted search and replace for the word
> mleslie in the sql file with user.
> sed 's/mleslie/user/g' filename.sql
> At least that should work according to
> http://linux.about.com/od/bgb_guide/a/gdebgb44t03.htm
> Alex
> Stefan Hansen wrote:
>> Hey Mark!
>> I tried to run your load_postgis.sh. Unfortunately, it didn't run through.
>> Template_postgis does not exist. Should that be created in your
>> load-script or in the postgres-install-script?
>> After I created the template, your script complained that the role
>> "mleslie" does not exist.
>> cheers,
>> stefan
>> Mark Leslie wrote:
>>> I've managed to commit a script load_postgis.sh to the repository.  It
>>> runs on my debian machine, but none of the VM instances I was pointed to
>>> are available to me, so I've been unable to test it in the VM.  If
>>> someone has the chance, can you make sure it runs and add it to the
>>> main.sh script?  As it stands, it won't get run during the build unless
>>> this happens.
>>> -- 
>>> Mark
>>> Cameron Shorter wrote:
>>>> In 12 hours 8:30pm Thursday 17 Sept, I'll be starting the build process
>>>> for the Live DVD's release candidate which we will be announcing widely
>>>> and asking potential delegates to test.
>>>> I'm concerned that at the moment, we only have docs for half the
>>>> projects in:
>>>> https://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/livedvd/gisvm/trunk/doc/descriptions
>>>> (These docs are what users will see for the first time and will explain
>>>> how to run the project)
>>>> If anyone has some spare time to work on the Live DVD in the next 12
>>>> hours could you please write docs for each of the projects, as per:
>>>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GISVM_Build#Writing_docs
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>> -- 
>> Stefan Hansen
>> Software Engineer
>> LISAsoft
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