[Live-demo] docs ready for the website

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Sat Aug 21 23:30:43 PDT 2010

I've spent quite a bit of time on the documentation over the last few 
days, and now the the documentation generation such that what is built 
for the OSGeo-Live DVD can be copied verbatim to the website.

Key things I've done:

* I've introduced a download tab, and download.html page, which 
describes the images we have, and points users at 
http://download.osgeo.org/livedvd to get the images.
(Before we go live, we will need to remove the redirect currently at 
this page)

* I've simplified the main home page, which now has ~ half the content, 
and have added a screenshot to the home page.

* I've created 4 new quickstarts, with screenshots:
** How to run OSGeo Live
** How to run in a VM
** How to install onto a hard drive
** How to create a USB thumb drive
* these quickstarts are linked from the home page

Plus a number of other small tweaks here and there.

Remaining issues:
* I've removed descriptions about Internationalisation from the home 
index.html page, but have not put it back any where. Ideally it should 
be put into a quickstart, but I've run out of time, and am not planning 
to do it. If someone else wants to, the original text is still here: 
* We don't have any instructions for how to install the VM image 
(because I haven't tried installing a vmware image into VirtualBox yet)
* We don't have instructions on how to install into VMWare, or any other 
Virtual Machine. I'm ok with this. A quick start just needs to show 
people how to get going with one method, not every method.

* It would be great if someone could align the rst fonts with the 
index.html fonts, but this doesn't need to stop us from going live.

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Director
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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