[Live-demo] Spanish files temporarily ruined

Javi Sanchez jsgisdev at gmail.com
Mon Dec 20 15:00:22 PST 2010

Cameron, Angelos,

Thanks a lot for you tips!. It has been really encouraging, and now I'm 
happy that the work is rolled back succssesfully. Finally I took the 
'quick' way of cheching out the version and copying again the files, as 
'svn merge' didn't work as expected, at least for me.



On 12/20/2010 11:13 PM, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
> Hi Javi,
> I think the most quick solution is to find the revision that you know 
> is good, checkout in different folder, and then copy the files back in 
> trunk...
> Of course this is not the best solution (from subversion point of 
> view), but will get you to up on your feet really fast.
> Regards,
> Angelos
> On 12/20/2010 10:45 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>> Hi Javi,
>> I'm sure this is something we should be able to work out with some 
>> subversion magic, by researching in the subversion book for the right 
>> command. I think we should be able to fix with "svn join".
>> Can you please see if you can locate exactly which version of 
>> subversion you would wish to roll back to in the doc/es directory. 
>> You can see what is in the subversion directory here:
>> http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/browser/livedvd/gisvm/trunk/doc/es
>> Also useful will be to cd to doc/es and type:
>> "svn log ."
>> On 21/12/10 07:18, Javi Sanchez wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm afraid I may have spoiled the svn existing Spanish files. I've 
>>> found out that since a recent commit all my previous spanish files 
>>> have now turned into English again, and other Spanish files, not 
>>> translated by me, seems to be  disappeared.
>>> I've noticed this mess occurred at revision 5300.
>>> The fact is that I reinstalled all my computer again, and this time 
>>> I decided to point directly the OmegT source files to the SVN 
>>> English version folder, and the OmegaT target files to be the SVN 
>>> Spanish folder, and no to do the translation on a copy aside. After 
>>> translating the next file and run  'Create Translated Documents' 
>>> option I think I replaced the existing documents into English version.
>>> But, any way, I can fix it by hand in, thanks to my backcup, the 
>>> following days, not today. However, If anyone is interested in 
>>> helping me with this, and know how to turn back '/es'  folder files 
>>> to version previous to 5300, I would appreciate it and I would 
>>> promise not to do this again ;-).
>>> Thanks,
>>> Javi.
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