[Live-demo] Starting LiveDVD build in next 24 hours or so

Pieter De Graef pieter.degraef at geosparc.com
Mon Feb 1 03:26:13 PST 2010


I looked at the logs, and apparently, the geomajas_install.sh script did 
not run properly due to the following error:
sh: Can't open ./install_geomajas

Could it be that it does not have the correct rights?

Alex Mandel schreef:
> On 02/01/2010 12:17 AM, Alex Mandel wrote:
>> On 01/31/2010 11:29 AM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Alex plans to start our next LiveDVD build process within the next 24 to
>>> 48 hours. So if you have any scripts that you wish to have tested,
>>> please ensure they are checked into svn by tomorrow.
>> Testing has commenced. I will post the build log when it's done and
>> notify the list so people can go read about any errors.
>> Thanks,
>> Alex
> Done, approx time 2 hours. Hmm, something must have gone wrong that
> sounds too short for all the downloading and compiling. Though initial
> inspection of the logs shows that more went right than previously.
> Logs are available http://download.osgeo.org/livedvd/3.0-alpha4/
> Enjoy,
> Alex
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Pieter De Graef

Community Manager
GeoSparc nv.

Chairman of the Geomajas project

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