[Live-demo] Re: pgRouting build broken

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 28 19:05:32 PST 2010

Anton wrote:
> I put my script to trunk, so please check it.

(only the last two comments below are very important)

- "sudo" for apt-get, make install, ldconfig is not needed, the script
  already runs with permissions.

- subversion and build-essential are installed by setup.sh, so you can
  reasonably expect them to be there already.

- "apt-get install ... libcgal*"    IMO it's better to state packages
  you want explicitly rather than pulling in by wildcard

- for wget please use options to make it not as noisy. (-nv for tiny
  files, --progress=dot:mega for big ones)

- "svn checkout ...pgrouting/trunk" if it absolutely must be from trunk
and not a versioned release, please specify a revision number to checkout
so it will still work in future after their trunk has moved on.

- "FIXME: remove -dev packages once you are done with them. libboost-dev
  is hundreds of MB."



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