[Live-demo] Adding Geomajas to the Live DVD

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Thu Jan 21 03:09:06 PST 2010

The torrent is the previous stable version 2.0.
You'll want to test on the latest alpha which uses a newer version of

Scroll part way down on the download page to "Bleeding Edge unstable
releases Arramagong GISVM and LiveDVD - 3.0-alpha3"
#  arramagong-3.0-alpha3.7z.0
(1.5G) md5sum: 9913a2b205b1536e4bec1a3cf7a29d97
# arramagong-3.0-alpha3.7z.1
(1.5G) md5sum: 602006dc21f4e5c00e872403b2dc803c
# arramagong-3.0-alpha3.7z.2

The file is split in 3 parts due to a limitation on the server but it's
easy to put them back together using the cat command (There's an example
on the page.

I'll try and get to testing your script later today when I work on some
other ones.


Pieter De Graef wrote:
> I am busy downloading the Live DVD through torrents, but it's going a
> bit slow. After 2 days, I'm at 8%...
> Although today it seems to be going faster.
> Cameron Shorter schreef:
>> Thanks Pieter,
>> Until we get the click2try browser based LiveDVD development image up
>> and running, the process to test the LiveDVD is:
>> * Download the latest virtual machine (version 3.0alpha3). See details
>> at: http://download.osgeo.org/livedvd/
>> If the above will take too much bandwidth, you can cheat by using an
>> ubuntu or xubuntu 9.10 distribution you have already, and this should
>> be sufficient to find most bugs.
> Sorry to say, but I myself seem to be a windows user.... I was testing
> on a ubuntu without the root password (so a few steps - such as the
> desktop icon creation - have not been tested properly), so yes there
> could still be problems.
>> * Run the image as a virtual machine
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc_Quick_Start#Arramagong_Live_Virtual_Machine
>> * log into the livedvd, user=user, pass=user, cd to the livedvd svn
>> directory, update it, and then execute the script:
>> cd /home/user/gisvm/bin/
>> svn update
>> ./build_geomajas.sh
>> Pieter De Graef wrote:
>>> Thanks.
>>> I've added the script to SVN. Is there a way for me to see if it
>>> works as it should?
>>> I've based it upon the GeoServer install script. Hope they don't mind
>>> :-)
>>> Hamish schreef:
>>>> Pieter De Graef wrote:
>>>>> Also, could it be that this userid is the same as the OSGeo
>>>>> website login? Because it said, that the userid already existed.
>>>>> Anyway, I think this is it: pieterdg See
>>>>> https://www.osgeo.org/user/335
>>>> right. I've now activated your svn access.
>>>> see other scripts for examples.
>>>> regards & welcome,
>>>> Hamish
>>> -- 
>>> Pieter De Graef
>>> GeoSparc nv.
>>> http://www.geosparc.com/
>>> Sponsor of: http://www.geomajas.org/
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