[Live-demo] Review of 52 North WPS Overview docs

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Sun Jul 25 16:31:32 PDT 2010

/Kristof, Bastian,
Thanks for your overview doc (copied below). It is looking good.
Inserted in italics are my comments. Could you please address these by 
the end of the week./

  52°North WPS¶ <cid:part1.07010300.04020203 at gmail.com>

/Cameron: Please include the following category heading:
Web Processing Service


52°North Web Processing Service (WPS). This WPS provides basic GIS 
function via standardized OGC interfaces. A demo client is included with 
test request.
Cameron:/ /Most people won't know what a WPS is. Please include a 
sentence or 2 explaining what a WPS is, and possibly when or why you 
would use it.

/Cameron: In this overview section, please provide a bit more 
description. You should summarise the Core Features into general text here./

    Core Features¶ <cid:part2.06090609.00020005 at gmail.com>

/Cameron: For core features, try reducing specifics. The reader probably 
won't know what a WPS is, let alone versions of the standard.
Cameron: Remove references to "Open Source" - everything on OSGeo-Live 
is Open Source. /
/Cameron: Please include a screen shot, or related image. It will make 
the description much more professional./


      Full java-based Open Source implementation.


      Supports all features and operations of WPS specification version
      1.0.0 (document 05-007r7)


      Pluggable framework for algorithms and XML data handling and
      processing frameworks


      Build up on robust libraries (JTS, geotools, xmlBeans, servlet
      API, derby)


      Supports full logging of service activity
              o Supports exception handling according to the spec
              o Storing of execution results
              o Full maven support
          /Cameron: This point is too technical, I suggest simplifying
          or removing./


      Synchronous/Asynchronous invocation


      Raw data support


      Supports HTTP-GET for Execute


      Supports SOAP

    * /Cameron: GET/SOAP too detailed for our user, who is likely a
      user, not programmer/

      Exposes a WSDL document


      Supported WPS Datatypes
              o GeoTiff Support
              o ArcGrid Support
              o Full GML2 and GML3 support for ComplexData (i.e.


              o 220+ SEXTANTE Processes
              o Unicore GRID Middleware support
              o Transactional Profile (WPS-T)
              o Web GUI to maintain the service
              o ArcGIS Server Connector
              o /Cameron: Again, above formats are quite detailed. If
                mentioned, explain in general layman terms in the
                overview above./

    Implemented Standards¶ <cid:part3.00090206.02010301 at gmail.com>

    * OGC Web Processing Service Specification
    * OGC GML2 SimpleFeatures
    * OGC GML3 SimpleFeatures

    Details¶ <cid:part4.02010205.01020505 at gmail.com>

*Website:* http://52north.org/wps

*Licence:* GPL

*Software Version:* WPS 2.0 RC5

*Supported Platforms:* Windows, Linux, Mac

*Commercial Support:* http://www.52north.org

*Programming Language:* Java

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Director
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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