[Live-demo] AtlasStyler Overview review

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Wed Jul 28 04:19:01 PDT 2010

Really nice docs. Thank you.

I've made some updates, and you can see in the version below. I've also 
included comments in italics my suggestions which I suggest you action 
(or not).
You are also welcome to reverse my updates if you think they are 

  AtlasStyler¶ <cid:part1.01070206.04060408 at gmail.com>

    Feature Style Editor¶ <cid:part2.04010305.08050302 at gmail.com>

/Cameron: I change the above subheading to be descriptive of what 
AtlasStyler does (in line with our template./

AtlasStyler <http://en.geopublishing.org/AtlasStyler> is a user-friendly 
desktop application for styling geodata. The resulting styles can be 
saved as OGC standards complient SLD/SE files.
/Cameron: Removed some words above hopefully without removing meaning./

The created SLD files are compatible with all programs which support the 
OGC SLD standard, including GeoServer, uDig and others.
/Cameron: Removed reference to Geotools related applications as users 
are unlikely to know what applications depend upon Geotools. Can you 
mention C based programs like QGis or GRASS above?/

The application provides a multitude of intuitive dialogs to simplify 
style creation. Users can apply abstract classifications like unique 
values, colored quantiles or equal distance. Additionally users have 
integrated access to an online symbol-database. Users can create and 
save symbols in the SymbolEditor and reused in classifications or other 
/Cameron: Does "drag and drop" describe functionality? If so, I suggest 
mentioning "drag and drop"/

      Core Features¶ <cid:part3.05000502.02030407 at gmail.com>

    * Build styles using dialogs
    * based on OGC SLD standard.
    * Run on Windows, Linux and Mac.
    * Import from ESRI Shapefiles and PostGIS databases.
    * /Cameron: Can you input styles from ESRI tools? If so please
      mention it here. (I expect users would be very keen to be able to
      import their styles from ESRI Arc GIS)/
    * Fully translated into German, English, Italian and French.

      Implemented Standards¶ <cid:part4.03080305.01010306 at gmail.com>

/Cameron: I've added the Implemented Standards section, in line with the 

    * OGC Style Layer Descriptor (SLD) 1.0
    * OGC Symbology Encoding (SE)
    * /Cameron: which version of SE is used?/

      Details¶ <cid:part5.06000301.05090408 at gmail.com>

*Website:* http://en.geopublishing.org/AtlasStyler

*Software Version:* 1.5

*Supported Platforms:* Windows, Linux, Mac

*API Interfaces:* Java, Swing, Geotools

*Support:* www.wikisquare.de <http://www.wikisquare.de>
/Cameron: I've simplified support to just this reference here, in line 
with template and other applications./


Previous Version:

  AtlasStyler¶ <cid:part6.02040407.08020102 at gmail.com>

    About AtlasStyler¶ <cid:part7.08060701.03030708 at gmail.com>

AtlasStyler <http://en.geopublishing.org/AtlasStyler> is a user-friendly 
desktop application to style geodata. The resulting styles can be saved 
to XML files that follow the OGC SLD/SE standard 1.0. The created SLD 
files are compatibel with GeoServer, uDig, Geotools-based applications 
and all other programs that use the OGC SLD standard. The application 
provides a multiplicity of intuitive dialogs that allow to create styles 
productively - without dealing with any XML. You can apply abstract 
classifications like unique values, colored quantiles or equal distance. 
Additionally you have integrated access to an online symbol-database. 
You can create and save symbols in the SymbolEditor and reuse you 
symbols in classifications or other projects.

      Technical details:¶ <cid:part8.08050103.00090605 at gmail.com>

    * Platform independence: developed in Java, AtlasStyler and its
      atlases run on Mac OS, Windows and Linux.
    * Styling based on OGC SLD standard.
    * Import from ESRI Shapefiles and PostGIS databases
    * Fully translated into German, English, Italian and Frensh. Turkish
      coming soon.

      Support:¶ <cid:part9.09090305.03040105 at gmail.com>

All software is OpenSouce and can be downloaded from the project web 
page. For special challenges, the Bonn-based company wikisquare is 
providing commercial support, including trainings and special feature 
development: www.wikisquare.de <http://www.wikisquare.de> .

      Details¶ <cid:part10.00030609.02020909 at gmail.com>

*Website:* http://en.geopublishing.org/AtlasStyler

*Software Version:* 1.5

*Supported Platforms:* GNU/Linux, MS Windows, Mac OS - Any OS where Java 
1.6 can be installed

*API Interfaces:* Java, Swing, Geotools

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Director
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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