[Live-demo] Naming the LiveDVD
Cameron Shorter
cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Fri Mar 5 22:02:05 PST 2010
I'm going to have most/all the content from http://arramagong.org built
from the livedvd build process and installed on the livedvd.
It won't take much more to use the script to build the live.osgeo.org site.
Alex Mandel wrote:
> Hamish wrote:
>> Cameron wrote:
>>> That will give us enough time to select a name, register a
>>> domain name, update documentation etc.
>> As for domain names, I suggest we put in a request for
>> live.osgeo.org and have a simple page there which points to
>> the wiki and links directly to the binary download URLs.
>> I also suggest we either 1) redirect live.osgeo.org to a trac
>> wiki page containing the main webpage (as gdal and proj4 do),
>> or 2) keep the html source for it in the top level of our SVN
>> and set up an hourly cron job to copy/sync that to the web page
>> once an hour.
>> Hamish
> Yes the url would work well with the OSGeo Live name.
> A single html page seems like all we need for now. I imagine if we do
> much more beyond that we'll need our own wiki or trac site which seems
> like way more work than necessary for now.
> Thanks,
> Alex
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
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