[Live-demo] Re: Verify GeoKettle works on the LiveDVD

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Fri Mar 12 13:33:03 PST 2010

Brian, Etienne,
I've tested on 3.0rc4 and the steps seem ok now. (I've adjusted the 
formatting slightly but not the content).

I do get warnings that are not mentioned in the steps:
"There are no steps that are doing any previewing ..."
"Sorry, during preview we found no rows here can be displayed for this 
step" (English in this message could be improved).

I assume these are normal?
If so, could you please mention these in the test steps.


Brian Hamlin wrote:
> unfortunately, on the RC3 I have here at the moment, the steps for 
> GeoKettle fail for me...
> when I run that transformation, there is no indication of error, but 
> no results either
> a subsequent VERIFY shows an error stack of
>   Error opening GIS file at URL: 
> file:///opt/geokettle/file:/opt/geokettle/samples/transformations/geokettle===== 
> screen cut off ====
>  I could have slipped, but, the directions are supposed to be for an 
> unexperienced user
>   -Brian
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
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