[Live-demo] 5.0 Beta 4 Status - Space

Oliver Tonnhofer olt at omniscale.de
Tue Aug 9 23:46:08 PDT 2011

On 09.08.2011, at 22:30, Alex Mandel wrote:
> vim,vim-runtime 27 M , not to start a flame war but new users to linux
> don't use this.

As long as there is some vi and no emacs. ;)

You can use dpkg-query to get the size of all packages:

  $ dpkg-query -W -f='${Installed-Size} ${Package}\n' | sort -n

And that shows that there are two linux kernels (111MB each) and there is also a texlive distribution (multiple packages, total ~110MB). Is that really needed?


Oliver Tonnhofer    | Omniscale GmbH & Co KG    | http://omniscale.de
http://mapproxy.org | https://bitbucket.org/olt | @oltonn

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