[Live-demo] Re: [OSGeo] #784: Error message when exiting pgadmin3
trac_osgeo at osgeo.org
Tue Aug 30 01:03:02 PDT 2011
#784: Error message when exiting pgadmin3
Reporter: rouault | Owner: live-demo@…
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: minor | Milestone:
Component: LiveDVD | Keywords: 5.0, pgadmin3, iso
Changes (by hamish):
* keywords: 5.0, pgadmin3 => 5.0, pgadmin3, iso
5.0rc6 full ISO:
* there is just one "user" in /etc/passwd and /etc/group
* `ls -la` and 'ls -na' show a few files still owned by root (ahem), but
nothing unusual about ~/.pgadmin3, it's owned by user.user aka 1000.1000.
* I notice I can't move desktop icons to the trash, or into a newly
created "Demos" directory. Same "Operation not permitted" error for files
like password.txt, but also I get a '''Invalid cross-device link''' error
message when I try to move/delete the directories.
* `lsaatr -a` shows errors for all the files:
Inappropriate ioctl for device While reading flags on ./.pgadmin3
also lsattr doesn't like symlinks, but I think that's normal behaviour.
so are files in /home on another (virtual) partition on the ISO as /usr,
not `fslint`s compressed /usr??? it sounds like an error if the hardlink
file is not on the same partition as its twin, but all seem to be on the
same 'aufs' partition when I poke around. or maybe fslint has nothing to
do with it at all.
'''Invalid cross-device link''': I assume nothing physically in home is
symlinked outside to the FS, only vice versa.
'''Inappropriate ioctl for device''' I assume this is because /home (or
files owned by 'user'?) are held in a RAM fs not a ext[2-4] fs as lsattr
demands. (in fact there are no ext fs's on the booted ISO). Would have to
do some research about `aufs` et al.
I can create and rm a file in the home dir without problems, so the disc
should be usable, just immutable. After `sudo su`ing to root, I can rm
files without errors.
/usr/ossim is installed as "user" (ahem), but I'm not permitted to remove
files from there.
probably we should actively pursue this bug, and probably the place to do
that is the remastersys mailing lists.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/784#comment:9>
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