[Live-demo] [Fwd: Re: OSGeoLive for FOSSGIS Conference in Germany and Linuxmagizin]

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Wed Feb 9 14:45:57 PST 2011

On 9/02/2011 8:15 AM, Astrid Emde wrote:
>> I'll also add that now would be a good time to mention any specific
>> requirements you may have for OSGeo-Live, if you need them.
> We want to run the workshops with OSGeo-Live and need extra data. But I
> thought we do not put them on OSGeoLive at first but add them later.

This theoretically should be possible if you are using a USB version, 
although you should try it. I think someone mentioned that they had 
problems storing created data on the USB.

Alternatively, you will need to run through a build process again to 
create a new version of a DVD. (I recommend you try to avoid doing this.

>> Also, you may wish to sponsor/influence/provide the artwork for the
>> desktop background and DVD cover.
> Hello,
> for Intergeo in September 2010 in Cologne (Germany) I made a DVD Cover
> which we could modify and use. The documents you can find at [1].
> It would be nice to get involved in the desktop background too. But if
> there are already other ideas please go for them.
> Astrid
> [1] https://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/livedvd/artwork/sleeve/intergeo_de_4.0/

The only idea that I'm aware of so far is that we will probably have to 
use something similar to the last release as we haven't had a volunteer 
to create artwork for this release.

So please go ahead and volunteer to build upon your artwork.

The one suggestion I do have is that we make the cover different to last 
year. It can have the same theme, but people should be able to recognise 
that the DVD is different to the one they picked up last year. Eg: Same 
artwork, but in a different colour.

> --------
>> [1] http://www.fossgis.de/konferenz/2011/
>> [2]
>> http://www.fossgis.de/konferenz/2011/programm/track/Workshops%20%28bezahlt%29/index.de.html
>> [3] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc#Schedule
>> [4] http://www.linux-magazin.de/
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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