[Live-demo] 4.5alpha3 - 52NorthSOS

Eike Hinderk Jürrens e.h.juerrens at 52north.org
Tue Feb 15 23:45:09 PST 2011

Hi Brian,
regarding the start "button" I was just following the way the 52°North
WPS script is using.

I might state again my questions after build 4.5alpha2:
> In the current version, the 52North SOS start script is not moved to the
> web services folder on the desktop and not available via
> Gnome.panel->Geospatial->Web Services.
> Anything missing from my side? It is still on the desktop.

Am 16.02.2011 02:19, schrieb Brian Hamlin:
>   I am using the new build of the LiveDVD, but I do not see "Start
> 52NorthSOS" in the Web Services menu
See my questions above.

> Also, I noticed in the build logs, SOS was calling postgis functions
> like transform() and geomfromtext()
> Arent the current versions of these postgis calls st_transform() and
> st_geomfromtext() ?
I am not sure at the moment. Did the postgis version change between the
two alpha builds?
This needs to be checked and will be done on Friday.

> It is possible that 52nSOS install has failed..
I will check, as soon, as  the image is available for me. Currently,
this will happen on Friday.

Kind regards,

>   hth
>   -Brian
> ==
> Brian Hamlin
> planetwork.net
> OSGeo California Chapter
> (415) 717-4462 cell

Eike Hinderk Jürrens
52° North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH
Martin-Luther-King-Weg 24
48155 Münster, Germany
E-Mail: e.h.juerrens at 52north.org
Fon: +49-(0)-251–396371-33
Fax: +49-(0)-251–396371-11
General Managers: Dr. Albert Remke, Dr. Andreas Wytzisk
Local Court Muenster HRB 10849

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