[Live-demo] 5.0 beta2 done

Eike Hinderk Jürrens e.h.juerrens at 52north.org
Wed Jul 27 00:06:31 PDT 2011

Hi Alex, hi all,
@Alex: thanks a lot for providing this beta version.

I found two problems:

- the 52North WSS is not listed on the contents page. The documentation
(overview and quickstart) is available but not listed.
- the yellow road sign link doesn't work: firefox gave my this error:
"Firefox can't find the file at /usr/local/share/osgeolive-docs/index.html".

The folder osgeolive-docs is not there.

Kind regards,

Eike Hinderk Jürrens
52° North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH
Martin-Luther-King-Weg 24
48155 Münster, Germany
E-Mail: e.h.juerrens at 52north.org
Fon: +49-(0)-251–396371-33
Fax: +49-(0)-251–396371-11
General Managers: Dr. Albert Remke, Dr. Andreas Wytzisk
Local Court Muenster HRB 10849

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