[Live-demo] Mapbender 2.7.2 package was late

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at lisasoft.com
Thu Jul 28 16:02:31 PDT 2011

If you can dowoad the larest vm, and test the install_mapbeder.sh script
works, and mapbender was installed as expected, before Alex starts his next
build on Sat then I am ok with moving to the latest version.

On 28/07/2011 1:10 AM, "Astrid Emde" <astrid.emde at wheregroup.com> wrote:
> Hello hamish, hello alex,
> again I was late with the preparation of the download package for
> Mapbender for OSGeo-live.
> But now it is updated at:
> http://www.mapbender.org/download/mapbender2.7_osgeolive4.5.zip
> (it contains Mapbender 2.7.2 for OSGeo-Live 5.0)
> My question is:
> Will this zip be used and Mapbender will be updated with the next build?
> If not, please could you let me know. So we could deinstall Mapbender and
> install it with the new zip.
> Sorry for beeing late again.
> Astrid
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