[Live-demo] Setting up list of to-dos for GeoMoose install on LiveDVD

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Thu May 26 23:28:09 PDT 2011

Cameron wrote:
> I think answers to most of your questions are here:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Add_Project#Directory_Structure

main points:

please do use /usr/local/ and /var/local/ as much as possible,
and the rest of the root file system only if absolutely
necessary. If you do have to put something in the non-local
parts of the root filesystem, a symlink back to ../local/ would
be preferred.

please do not make custom adjustments to common resources in /etc!
aka you must play nice with the many other things which are
installed. Ubuntu provides many /etc/*.d/ directories which apps
can put their config snippets into without making a mess.
e.g. look in /etc/apache2/conf.d/ on the v4.5 disc.
The same is true for port numbers, try to avoid common 8080 etc.

please keep big data files out of /home/. symlink them into
there if needed from /usr/local/. (afair /home gets loaded into

remember that someone out there will install this to their
desktop PC, and will need a functioning and maintainable system.
so avoid custom hacks whenever possible. Thus "chmod 777" is
banned (and maybe causes the file,dir loaded into RAM?). see the
wiki page for the chgrp work-around which should be used anyway.


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