[Live-demo] Re: Successful deployment (Was: Community comments on OSGeo-Live)

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Fri Oct 14 03:21:01 PDT 2011

I'm delighted to hear how well OSGeo-Live worked for you. Is it ok if 
you add your description to our History page. 
http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_History . Such success stories are 
highly valuable for promoting the value of OSGeo-Live.

I'm also interested to know which applications you demonstrated in your 

On 13/10/2011 10:38 PM, Micha Silver wrote:
> Hello all:
> I recently gave a short tutorial/demonstration of some FOSS GIS 
> software to a group of entomologists. I'm very pleased to say that the 
> sessions went especially well since I used OSGeo-Live USB sticks. I 
> had prepared in advance a slightly modified version of the system in a 
> VM on my laptop, with extra data tuned to the participants in the 
> conference, and then created an ISO using the scripts made by the 
> OSGeo-Live developers. Then I "burned" 15 USB sticks (using 
> unetbootin) to be handed out at the conference.
> Those participants with GIS experience were, of course, astounded with 
> the breadth and capabilities of FOSS GIS. And their experience was 
> purely due to the OSGeo-Live system with everything packaged together. 
> The others, seeing this kind of software for the first time, dove 
> right in and worked thru the exercises with none of the glitches that 
> usually accompany installing on a variety of user's machines.  
> Everyone is walking away with a good taste for FOSS in general, and 
> the possibilities of employing FOSS GIS software at their home 
> institutions.
> So, another warm thanks for all the excellent work put in here!
> Regards,
> Micha
> /2011 23:47, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>> I've just received the following comments on my blog post:
>> http://cameronshorter.blogspot.com/2011/09/osgeo-live-50-released-open-source.html?showComment=1318076890935#c2018120313931434340
>> <http://www.blogger.com/profile/00595089576315147100>
>> Vladicon <http://www.blogger.com/profile/00595089576315147100> said...
>>     Don't you know other than http download sources for OSgeo-Live 5?
>>     It looks like down :-( And I couldn't find torrents with 5 :-(((
>>     only with 4.5
>>     9:44 PM
>>     <http://cameronshorter.blogspot.com/2011/09/osgeo-live-50-released-open-source.html?showComment=1315655053271#c9172964443839358746>
>>     <http://www.blogger.com/delete-comment.g?blogID=24623504&postID=9172964443839358746>
>> <http://www.blogger.com/profile/14467877862637894127>
>> tim <http://www.blogger.com/profile/14467877862637894127> said...
>>     Cameron & OSGeo-Live team - thanks for doing this. I was standing
>>     there looking at the barrier to entry (finding, evaluating, and
>>     building the whole stack) and steeling myself to just do it. Then
>>     I saw an RSS feed from FOSS4G that suggested I could just
>>     download and VM the whole pile using OSGeo. nice!
>>     -tim
>> -- 
>> Cameron Shorter
>> Geospatial Solutions Manager
>> Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
>> Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
>> Think Globally, Fix Locally
>> Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source
>> http://www.lisasoft.com
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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