[Live-demo] proposal for english documentation

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Mon Aug 6 14:09:18 PDT 2012

This is really good feedback, but I'm going to change my previous 
recommendation re updating English docs.

As we are so close to our 6.0 release, we should not be changing our 
English docs at this point.
What I suggest you do is raise an issue in our issue tracker, "Updates 
to English docs", and you can add all your suggestions into this issue. 
If you or others have more suggestions, you can add to the issue.

We can then address these suggestions before our next release.

On 07/08/12 05:21, Luca Delucchi wrote:
> During translation I find something for me strange in English
> documentation, that I like to fix
> - virtualbox_quickstart.html
>   * line 25 : On linux do the following ->  On Ubuntu do the following
> - osm_dataset_overview.html
>   * line 21 : but the maps can also be viewed -> but the data can also be viewed
>   * line 37 : polyline, and area coverage. -> polyline, area coverage
> and relations.
> - rasdaman_overview.html
>   * GDAL -> :doc:`GDAL <./gdal_overview>`
> - openjub_overview.html
>   * deegree -> :doc:`deegree <./deegree_overview>`
> In other pages there are software that for me they should be linked to
> osgeo live documentation e not to main website
> what do you think?

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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