[Live-demo] [OSGeo] #689: NaturalEarth Character Encodings

OSGeo trac_osgeo at osgeo.org
Wed Aug 8 14:50:13 PDT 2012

#689: NaturalEarth Character Encodings
 Reporter:  darkblueb  |       Owner:  darkblueb                        
     Type:  defect     |      Status:  new                              
 Priority:  normal     |   Milestone:  OSGeoLive6.5                     
Component:  LiveDVD    |    Keywords:  4.5beta3, natural earth, upstream

Comment(by nvkelso):

 The problem is with GRASS, or any other GIS, is when the topology is
 built, it will actually result in odd little sliver polygons and the like.
 It might **seem** like the topology is now clean, and it is
 mathematically, but it's not visually or from a longer term data attribute
 maintenance perspective.

 The larger issues is PostGIS is self referentially "correct" version of
 topology on simple geometry features makes it so data that can be operated
 on by OGR and ArcGIS can no longer even be read in read-only mode, let
 alone stored and used for simple geometry tests. If an application like
 Mapnik can figure out what the winding rule is for drawing the interior of
 a polygon, surely PostGIS and GEOS can figure this out.

 This is a major **faulty** assumption at the core of FOSS4G that will keep
 biting new users in the ass every single day going into the future.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/689#comment:8>
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