[Live-demo] Build Process - Filesystems

Patric Hafner | geOps patric.hafner at geops.de
Fri Dec 21 02:17:26 PST 2012

Dear Members of the OSGeo mailing list,

in last days, I run the build process as described here [1] several
times to test our install script. Unfortunately the building always
failed due to problem with unmouting of dev and proc-filesystem for
chroot.  After some small changes, I was able to fix this issue.
Do someone else also experienced those problems?

For me it is not obvious why it is necessary to bind the whole /dev into
the chroot - /dev/pts should do it. Secondly, it seems more safe to me,
to execute the mount of /proc outside the chroot.
After performing the following changes, building runs always fine in my


-- sudo mount --bind /dev/ edit/dev
++ sudo mount -t proc -o bind /proc edit/proc
++ sudo mount -o bind /dev/pts edit/dev/pts
-- sudo umount edit/dev
++ sudo umount edit/dev/pts
++ sudo umount edit/proc


--mount -t proc none /proc
--mount -t sysfs none /sys
--mount -t devpts none /dev/pts
-- umount /proc || umount -lf /proc
-- umount /sys
-- umount /dev/pts

Any comments or ideas ?



With best regards,

Patric Hafner

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