[Live-demo] 5.5 Beta 2 Status
Angelos Tzotsos
gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Sun Feb 5 13:43:22 PST 2012
Hi Hamish,
I started the testing process and it seems we have some problems here:
The bin directory seems to have a problem since "svn up" does not seem to
Perhaps a problem in the bootstrap.sh? All I did was to follow the wiki
build notes...
This problem seems to have taken down all docs as well...
52North apps have been fixed.
Deegree, Geonetwork, Rasdaman do not start
All other applications seem to be fine.
Another weird behavior was loosing ssh after first restart during build
process. Perhaps apt-get autoclean removed the ssh server...
On Sat, Feb 4, 2012 at 7:12 AM, Hamish <hamish_b at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Angelos wrote:
> > Just completed the 5.5 beta2 build.
> > Logs are here:
> > http://aiolos.survey.ntua.gr/gisvm/5.5/
> Hi,
> some notes after a quick look at the log:
> R:
> http://cran.cnr.berkeley.edu seemed to be having a bad hair day.
> this error took out rasdaman as collateral damage.
> tutorial doc build failed (hopefully now fixed in svn.)
> jef provided a new 1.7.3-2 with the qgis_mapserver patch applied, which is
> hopefully now functional
> again.
> MapGuide:
> experimental install failed; script needs to be updated for natty.
> I've disabled it completely until that happens.
> (fdo-core : Depends: odbcinst1debian1 (>= 2.2.11-3) but it is not
> installable.
> the package is now called odbcinst1debian2.)
> this left dpkg in a broken state, run 'apt-get -f install' to fix it.
> tip: try 'gdebi' instead of 'dpkg -i'
> mb-system and the language packs were taken out as collateral damage by
> this.
> deegree:
> I've forcibly set its tomcat to use alternate ports
> as it was conflicting with the system's on port 8080.
> 52n:
> your tomcat appears ok with ports.
> deegree & 52n:
> if there's a way to start tomcat with an alternate
> conf/server.xml file, we could reuse the system's
> install, saving 200-300 megabytes of disc space
> lost to file redundancy.
> is it possible to launch 2-3 tomcats with diff't
> configs from the same core installation?
> i.e., similar to running: apache2 -f config.file
> (AFAIU if all web apps use the same tomcat instance
> they all are kept running blowing our RAM budget,
> so the bigger ones need their own which can be
> started and stopped on demand.)
> Natural Earth data:
> Starting AtlasStyler...
> log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (ResourceProvider).
> log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
> (repeated many many times)
> ?
> setup:
> modern kernel headers package removal version was
> out of date (fixed in svn; 82mb freed)
> openjdk7:
> don't use verbose unpacking, it swamps the build log with noise (fixed in
> svn)
> GeoMajas:
> Do not use mode 777 if at all possible.
> kosmo:
> Do not use mode 777 if at all possible.
> maptiler:
> don't use wget for local files, just copy from local svn checkout.
> liblas:
> verify that 'apt-get --yes autoremove' doesn't take
> out any innocent libraries needed by other projects.
> mapfish:
> (non-fatal?) problem installing Shapely
> desktop:
> passwords.txt and welcome message failed, I suspect
> because /usr/local/share/gisvm/bin was a symlink
> for this build? (??)
> that's all for now,
> Hamish
Angelos Tzotsos
Remote Sensing Laboratory
National Technical University of Athens
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