[Live-demo] OSGeoLive 5.5 draft for background image

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Mon Feb 6 09:13:34 PST 2012

Hi Brian,

Thanks for the image.

Best regards,

On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 6:47 PM, Brian Hamlin <maplabs at light42.com> wrote:

> Hi Angelos -
>  I also have made a background image.  More choices !!
>             gisvm/desktop-conf/osgeo_ldvd_**55_1F.png
>  best regards from California
>    -Brian
> On Feb 6, 2012, at 3:59 AM, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
>  Hi,
>> Any chance we can get this background image for beta3 later today?
>> On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 1:54 PM, Astrid Emde <astrid.emde at wheregroup.com>
>> wrote:
>> Hello Hamish,
>> Am 06.02.2012 03:38, schrieb Hamish:
>> Astrid Emde wrote:
>> ..
>> and have a question about the background image and sleeves.
>> We have the FOSSGIS conference in march and are going to use
>> OSGeo-Live in the workshops and we will give the DVD to the
>> participants of the conference.
>> excellent, that's its purpose in life!
>> People from the orga team created a desktop image and are
>> going to create an image for the dvd cover too.
>> I commited the first draft of the background image to the
>> svn [2].
>> note that the graphic there says "5.0" not "5.5"
>> Thanks for the info. I did not notice that.
>> My suggestion was to make the image a bit more pale to see
>> the desktop links better.
>> in the artwork/ dir you will see background.xcf.bz2.
>> If you open that in GIMP and look at the layer list you'll see
>> a white and black overlay layer. Make one or the other visible
>> and adjust the opacity level to suit.  (GIMP can open .gz or .bz2
>> directly without having to un-zip it first)
>> n.b.: please run 'optipng -o5 filename.png' before uploading.
>> For really huge .psd and .xcf image data (eg there's a 60mb image
>> file in there) /please/ bzip2 them before upload, or consider
>> another place (like flickr) and commit a text file with the link.
>> huge binary files clog up the Subversion DB backups!
>> ok, I try that out.
>> And sorry for blowing up the svn with the image. I will keep an eye on
>> this in the future.
>> We could take a version without the FOSSGIS logo and the
>> building for the official version. What do you think?
>> I'm mostly fine with whatever choice is made, as long as it is
>> not too day-glow fluorescent and the left side is not too busy
>> so the icons gets lost in the clutter.
>> Cameron:
>> One thing I'm going to strongly push for is that we have one
>> generic background image for each release, rather create a
>> different image for each conference.
>> personally I feel that each conference committee should make
>> it be whatever they like it to be, and a conference-themed
>> backdrop is a very nice touch to remember it by. If they're
>> paying the bill for the print run = their choice to do as they
>> please, not ours..  (but if 3rd parties want something custom
>> they'll have to contribute that work themselves of course)
>> I think it would be highly odd for "FOSS4G 2012 Beijing" not
>> to have its own backdrop image if they wanted one. Ideally
>> the conference committee should supply it, and we should give
>> them good lead time to decide on a design and prepare it (or
>> have it prepared).
>> This is because in the past, the effort required to change the
>> background image, rebuild the ISO, then retest everything,
>> turned out to be much more work that you would expect for such
>> a small change.
>> over-copying the one file:
>>  /usr/share/xfce4/backdrops/**osgeo-desktop.png
>> is a very simple task and does not require recertifying the
>> entire build from scratch. AFAIU if nothing else has changed,
>> the final ISO build either works or it doesn't. (with a suitable
>> number of fingers and toes crossed for good luck)
>> Would be nice to have our own background image for the FOSSGIS and also
>> would be great to use this image without the FOSSGIS stuff for the official
>> OSGeo-Live design. We could save work.
>> Astrid
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>> --
>> Angelos Tzotsos
>> Remote Sensing Laboratory
>> National Technical University of Athens
>> http://users.ntua.gr/tzotsos
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Angelos Tzotsos
Remote Sensing Laboratory
National Technical University of Athens
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