[Live-demo] OSGeo-Live presentation at FOSS4G-NA?

Bob Basques Bob.Basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Wed Jan 25 07:08:53 PST 2012


The Video per package would be nice, but I don't feel comfortable enough with all the stuff included on the dvd to do a video for each of them.  I might be able to do a few packages, but I'm sure there would be others much more in tune with other projects than I am. 

One thought here might be to do a fleshed out version of the under ten minute video (I'm ok doing this for GeoMoose for example.  And then put together something much shorter and cursory for other inculded projects in the 2-3 min range as a placeholder for each project spokesperson to expand on. 


>>> Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com> wrote:

On 25/01/12 09:40, Bob Basques wrote: 


Is this presentation in video form somewhere online (I just went through it, nice work . . ) ?   
I created a video for the 4.0 release here:

Would be good to see this updated.

 Also, does OSGEO have an official Youtube (or similar) channel for such things, seems like a reasonable thing to align with the DVD release as far as OSGEO promotions go?  Would be interesting to include a narrated presentation with each DVD release for example  

A very valuable format which would suite a Youtube channel would be 5 to 10 minute videos which are based upon each OSGeo-Live Quickstart.
It is just waiting for a volunteer ready to make it happen.

I'm not sure yet if I'll be attending the 'NA conference at this point either, but I'm interested in this presentation as it applies to general promotions. 


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