[Live-demo] We think we can release OSGeoLive 6.0 two weeks early (For OSGIS) - with some help

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 18 03:40:33 PDT 2012

Cameron wrote:
> I'd like to float the idea of bringing our schedule forward

until we have a solid beta in our pocket I think it's a bit premature
to be proposing it too seriously. and before we all discuss it, it is
a bit premature to be broadcasting announcements beyond this list.
>From my perspective we are not realistically ready for RC1 yet. I'm
all for the enthusiasm and seeing what we can get done in the near
future though and revisiting the idea next week after another beta or

> One thing I am not sure about is the  availability of people
> involved due to vacation time...

fwiw, I'll be away teaching a field course in a remote area with little
to no internet access for the first slice of August. And rather busy
work-wise up 'til then.

> This will be a tight deadline, and might result in some applications
> not being ready (and hence excluded). 

that is not a compromise I believe we should make. half-baked is not
good enough.


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