[Live-demo] Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Call for interest in OSGeo-Live 6.0

Stephan Meißl stephan at meissl.name
Fri May 25 08:21:48 PDT 2012

On Mon, 2012-04-30 at 21:27 +1000, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> We are starting to build the 6.0 OSGeo-Live DVD which will be released
> in September 2012, ready for FOSS4G 2012 as well as many other spatial
> conferences. This upcoming version will be built upon the stable
> Xubuntu 12.04 Long Term Support (LTS) release. Documentation will be
> translated into eight languages, now also including Chinese and
> Catalan. 
> Any new applications? 
> We would like to hear from anyone wishing to add new projects to
> OSGeo-Live, anyone wishing to extend or add extra translations, or
> anyone who has ideas on how we should shape the upcoming release. 
> ... 

Hi Cameron,

we'd like to propose the inclusion of the EOxServer [1] project in
OSGeo-Live. Three weeks ago we released our version 0.2.0 and even
though it has a rather low version number we think it would add some
value to OSGeo-Live. However, as this is a proposal and we're surely not
aware of all policies we fully understand different opinions. It would
be great to hear your advice.

Here are the details about EOxServer following the wiki at [2]:

Name: EOxServer
URL: http://eoxserver.org
License: MIT
Description and value added:

EOxServer's mission is to provide an Open Source software framework to
ease the online provision of big Earth Observation data archives via
Open Standard services for efficient exploitation by users.
      * Open Source: MIT-style license
      * software framework: Entirely based on Open Source (Python,
        MapServer, Django, GDAL, etc.)
      * ease online provision: Admin GUI and command line data
      * big Earth Observation data archives: Operators register existing
        raster data archives
      * Open Standard services: Open in the sense of freely available;
        Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC); WMS, WCS, EO-WMS, EO-WCS
      * efficient exploitation by users: User defined sub-setting; view
        and download 

OGC standards: WMS, WCS, EO-WMS, EO-WCS, WCS-T; All versions are
supported that are supported in MapServer. However, focus is on WCS 2.0
and WMS 1.3 and their respective Earth Observation (EO) application

Language: Python and a small bit C

Version: 0.2.0 (maybe 0.2.1 if we need to change something for example
the packaging)
Risk adverse organisations: EOxServer has been partly funded by the
European Space Agency (ESA) which is currently evaluating the
operational use. Also some European Commission supported projects are
evaluating the usage of EOxServer.

User community: There is a user mailing list [3] but not yet much
traffic. According to the Python package index [4] there have been 96
downloads in the last three weeks and according to the website
statistics for eoxserver.org there have been around 3400 unique visitors
with about 7800 visits in 2012.

Developer community: Again we have a mailing list [3] with a bit more
traffic and nine committers. Please see ohloh [5] for more statistics.

Stable release: Our latest stable release is 0.2.0.

Testing: We make extensive usage of Python's and Django's unit test
framework and have about 900 tests included in our autotest instance.
Additionally there are some selenium based tests of the web client and
admin gui.

Mature code: Again please see ohloh [5] for these statistics.

User interface: In EOxServer we distinct between two user roles:
operators and users. Operators can register data and control the server
via the command line and the Django provided admin gui. Users can
explore the available data via a simple web client based on OpenLayers
and jQuery.

Presentation at FOSS4G: There have been talks at the German speaking
FOSSGIS and the recent FOSS4G-CEE conference. Please see the EOxServer
documentation [6] for a list of presentations.

Volunteers for liaising: Stephan Meissl and Stephan Krause

Application installation: Since EOxServer is a Python application the
recommended way of installation is using pip. However, since we're using
setuptools we can easily provide .deb packages if needed.

512 Meg of RAM: Yes, EOxServer can be run in 512MB of memory. However,
the image rendering will be limited to the capabilities of MapServer and

Disk space: The current base package extracts to 22MB but includes 15MB
of documentation. Our autotest package which we'd propose for a
demonstration (see below) extracts to 130MB but 90MB of this are
expected results for the tests which can be safely ignored. If needed I
believe we can shrink the test data to under 10MB to still provide a
meaningful demonstration. Usually we also copy the OGC schemas to speed
up XML validation but this might not be necessary here. The packages are
available here [7].

Other dataset: We have to explore the already included demonstration
data but at a first glance we think we need to include some EO data in
order to show off the capabilities of EOxServer.

Project Overview and Quickstart: Will of course be produced and

Windows and/or Mac installers: Not needed.

Thanks for your consideration,
Stephan on behalf of the EOxServer Team

[1] http://eoxserver.org
[2] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc_Apply
[3] http://eoxserver.org/doc/en/users/mailing_lists.html
[4] http://pypi.python.org/pypi/EOxServer/
[5] https://www.ohloh.net/p/eoxserver/
[6] http://eoxserver.org/doc_trunk/en/users/presentations.html
[7] http://eoxserver.org/wiki/Download

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