[Live-demo] Retiring Geopublisher and AtalasStyler?

Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas jsanz at osgeo.org
Mon Nov 26 00:54:51 PST 2012

On 24 November 2012 06:52, Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com> wrote:
> Stefan,
> I see from your blog  that "Geopublisher and AtlasSytler development has
> ceased" [1].
> As I have previously retired an Open Source project that I started
> (mapbuilder) [2], I appreciate that it can be a difficult decision to make,
> and I suspect you will be feeling a sense of loss. So my heart goes out to
> you.
> However, I suggest that you will likely find with one door closing, another
> door will open. For me, it opened up time for me to get involved the
> OSGeo-Live project.
> On a practical matter, I'd like to hear your thoughts on including
> Geopublisher and AtlasStyler on OSGeo-Live. My feeling is that OSGeo-Live
> should only be promoting projects with an active community behind it. As
> such, we probably should take the projects off OSGeo-Live in the next
> release.
> Comments?
> [1] http://en.geopublishing.org/GoodBye
> [2]
> http://cameronshorter.blogspot.com.au/2008/07/end-of-life-for-community-mapbuilder-we_29.html

On the other hand, one can see those projects as "orphans" willing to
have new promoters.

Having them at the Live DVD would help to spread the word about those
projects that still make sense and need new blood (and for me Atlas
Styler at least makes a lot of sense).

My 2cts from a (sad) user of Atlas Styler.

Jorge Sanz

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