[Live-demo] disc space

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 1 05:09:57 PDT 2013


Hamish wrote:

>  I will work up a new usage chart for tomorrow's meeting.

caveats/notes as these disk space results are not definitive:

 - OSSIM is missing in this build
 - the first of e.g. grass or qgis to run will install many of the other's dependency packages, so will unjustly seem larger/slower.
 - /tmp usage is included here, but not on the disc. so some may be up to doubled.
 - probably some other misleading/confounding variables in it

but it's good for a general idea of what's going on. So to the plots---

Disk space used by each install script as a time-series, sorted
by biggest hog first, and a whisker plot of the distribution:


Time used by each install script as a time-series, sorted
by longest running first, and a whisker plot of the distribution:


(suggest 'make -j 4' or so might be help for the compiles)

have at it,

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