[Live-demo] QGis 1.8 and libspatialite, shipping

Brian Hamlin maplabs at light42.com
Sat Aug 24 11:09:30 PDT 2013

Hi All -

   in the final hours of testing the Live 7.0 RC2, it was discovered  
that there is a weakness in the libspatialite setup.. the most  
visible aspect of this is that QGis 1.8 and the spatialite apps are  
not fully consistent working with new spatialite stores... (see  
ticket #1224)

   It is possible that users may notice this important functionality,  
however in my opinion this is not of sufficient significance to alter  
the printing schedule of this DVD.

   I believe that the facts should be recorded in Live 7.0 errata  
somewhere, but not in a prominent way. Since this functionality *is*  
important to some users, I believe it is up to the *spatialite*  
community and to some extent the QGis community to make this news  
available widely.  I do not believe it is in their best interest to  
just ignore it entirely, since this disk will be widely distributed  
at FOSS4G 2013.

   Of course, a Live 7.0x will be available at some later date.. but  
this 7.0 disk will go out..

   best regards from Berkeley, California

Brian M Hamlin
OSGeo California Chapter

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