[Live-demo] Packaging and project re-organization

Ivan Minčík ivan.mincik at gmail.com
Thu Dec 26 13:27:37 PST 2013

> Hi all,
> Based on the previous proposal I would to discuss the potential solutions
> on how to create Debian packages targeting the 8.0 release:
> My suggestion here is to create a Launchpad account for OSGeoLive, which
> we will use to "freeze" UbuntuGIS-Unstable when we are preparing a release.
> This means that this OSGeoLive ppa will not be used for packaging, just for
> release purposes, to avoid last minute changes in UbuntuGIS-Unstable.
> Alternatively we could use UbuntuGIS-Stable and try to keep the packages
> we need there, but this would require the OSGeoLive team to have a certain
> level of control to that ppa which I am not sure it is proper.

In current UbuntuGIS state I would propose creating Launchpad account for
OSGeoLive and freeze rather DEBs there rather than using UbuntuGIS 'stable'.

> 1. Use all the standard tools in Debian packaging and create/update
> packages on UbuntuGIS ppa.
> A VERY simple example to create a deb package is shown here:
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=910717
> but usually more complex things are required so the complete guides can be
> found here:
> https://wiki.debian.org/IntroDebianPackaging
> http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/
> http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/
> This should be a task for Ubuntu or Debian or alternatively packaging
projects like UbuntuGIS.

> 2. Use helper programs to produce deb packages.
> Recently I used this excellent tool for packaging/deployment:
> https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm
> https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm/wiki
> http://goo.gl/sWs3Z
> This actually can save us lots of trouble, especially for building things
> that cannot easily be moved to Launchpad.
> Small example to create a GeoServer package:
> $ cd /tmp
> $ wget
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/geoserver/files/GeoServer/2.4.3/geoserver-2.4.3-war.zip
> $ unzip geoserver-2.4.3-war.zip
> $ mkdir -p /tmp/geoserver-root/var/lib/tomcat6/webapps
> $ mv geoserver.war /tmp/geoserver-root/var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/
> $ fpm -s dir -t deb -v 2.4.3 -n geoserver -a all -d tomcat6 -C
> /tmp/geoserver-root .
> and we have a geoserver_2.4.3_all.deb file ready for us. This also
> declares tomcat6 as a dependency and will just deploy the war file in the
> correct tomcat folder.
> Then we upload this to our OSGeo apt repository (since we cannot upload
> Java binaries to Launchpad) and we simple change the install_geoserver.sh
> to apt-get install geoserver. OK, it is a bit more complicated than this,
> but you get the picture :)
> FPM also supports translation of Ruby gems and Python packages into any
> other format... so it is easy to create deb packages from pypi...

For me FPM tool (os similar approach) looks as the only realistic way for
projects like OSGeo Live. It provides very good ratio between price an
result. I propose loading core GIS software like GEOS, GDAL, PROJ ... from
packaging projects and all others from FPM. Even if I like using Python pis
very much, I would propose using FPM also for all Python software to keep
centralized approach.

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