[Live-demo] Funding of LiveDVD for conferences.
Cameron Shorter
cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Thu Jan 31 00:21:34 PST 2013
Lets do some back-of-the-envelope maths.
According to our OSGeoLive history page, there were 45 events in 2012
which made use of OSGeo-Live. Of these, I'm reasonably confident that
each event would easily be able to hand out an average 100 USBs per
event, (probably 2 or 3 times this), and each event would like these
USBs paid for. Cost of a cheap USB =~ $4.
I'm pretty sure if USBs were subsidised, we would get requests for 10
times as many USBs.
So current annual cost of printing OSGeo-Live USBs = 100 * 45 * $4 =
$18,000 (minimal)
or 100 * 45 * $4 * 10 = $180,000 (if handed out to everyone who asks)
Alternatively, you might want to pay for OSGeoLive USBs for specific events.
Peter, I hope this helps in your considerations about what level of
sponsorship you might be in a position to provide.
On 31/01/2013 9:21 AM, Peter Baumann wrote:
> Cameron-
> I have no idea how to work it out, never done this before :)
> So I am gladly accepting education on this. Main constraint form my
> side is: I need an invoice by the end of the day.
> cheers,
> Peter
> On 01/30/2013 09:32 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>> Bob,
>> The process for adding OSGeo-Live at an event is explained here:
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc#Including_OSGeo-Live_at_your_event
>> At this point, we don't have OSGeo budget set aside for printing, but
>> rather each event needs to find a way to pay for DVD/USB printing.
>> Peter Baumann has mentioned part sponsoring USBs for foss4g. Peter,
>> I'd be interested to explore how you would like to work this offer
>> into a process that people can follow for the many other events
>> osgeo-live is present at.
>> On 31/01/2013 4:12 AM, Alex Mandel wrote:
>>> On 01/30/2013 08:37 AM, Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) wrote:
>>>> All,
>>>> So, where do requests for funding go to for LiveDVD creation for
>>>> conferences? I've just been tapped to research this aspect for the
>>>> FOSS4GNA conference in Minneapolis this spring?
>>>> Also, is there a chance that the 8GB USB Stick version of things
>>>> might be in place sometime soon, or should I forget about that
>>>> entirely for this event.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Bobb
>>> The USB stick version is the same ISO as the DVD just made into a
>>> bootable usb. We have a schedule to finish 6.5 by Mid February well in
>>> time for Foss4gNA. The trickiest part about usb sticks is finding a
>>> vendor in the US who can actually make them bootable - we failed in
>>> Denver and I spent the week (with volunteers) re-doing all of them.
>>> I can provide you with the companies we have used in the past for DVDs
>>> and USBs.
>>> OSGeo does not usually pay for DVDs or USB sticks for conferences,
>>> especially not a FOSS4G where it ought to come from the admission fee.
>>> Marketing committee is the place to discuss.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alex
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
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