[Live-demo] Enable JSONP for GeoServer

Patric Hafner | geOps patric.hafner at geops.de
Tue Jul 2 07:19:36 PDT 2013

Hello everybody,

we are currently fixing the installer for Cartaro

In order to run Cartaro with GeoServer 2.3, it is necessary to set the
java system variable ENABLE_JSONP=true to enable the JSONP
(text/javascript) output format.
This can be done in /usr/local/lib/geoserver-2.3.2/bin/startup.sh Line 71

-  export JAVA_OPTS="-XX:MaxPermSize=128m"
+  export JAVA_OPTS="-XX:MaxPermSize=128m -DENABLE_JSONP=true"

(More Information:

Does someone see any problems with activating it? Especially the other
projects using GeoServer?

As the startup.sh script is part of the GeoServer archive, I want to fix
the script in the same way (using sed) as it already happens in
install_geoserver.sh (around Line 80)

If this is o.k. for everybody, it would commit this change.


With best regards,

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