[Live-demo] Can't find natural_earth2 files

Ned Horning horning at amnh.org
Wed Jul 3 04:41:34 PDT 2013

Thanks Hamish. I was testing the R installation independent of the rest 
of the build so that explains it. I'll see if I can build the trunk and 
test again.


On 07/03/2013 07:17 AM, Hamish wrote:
> Hi Ned,
>> I'm working on the R resources for next release and I can't find the
>> natural_earth2 files that are used in the quickstart. The quickstart
>> expects them to be in: "/usr/local/share/data/natural_earth2/". I
>> looked
>> at the SVN trunk and didn't find them. Am I missing something or have
>> these files been removed.
> they are downloaded and installed by the bin/load_gisdata.sh script.
> we don't keep a local copy in svn. (try to avoid large binaries there)
> regards,
> Hamish

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