[Live-demo] ncWMS installer added

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Wed Jul 3 06:05:15 PDT 2013

Hi Guy,

Thanks for your e-mail. I am keeping the mailing list in CC so that 
others can comment/provide suggestions too.

Some comments inline:

On 07/03/2013 01:35 PM, Guy Griffiths wrote:
> Angelos,
> I am having a couple of problems with the installer and Cameron 
> suggested I talk to you about them.  If you think they are better 
> suited to the mailing list please feel free to move this conversation 
> there.
> I have downloaded the nightly build ISO (for 02/07/13) and run it in a 
> virtual machine.  There are links for "Start ncWMS" and "Stop ncWMS" 
> as expected.  However, there are 2 of each, and they are found in the 
> "Other" menu.  Could you explain how the links in Desktop get moved to 
> the correct menu?  Or simply how to get them in the right menu and 
> only have one of each?

Thanks for your testing of the nightly builds.
This issue is something that I have noticed too, and have tried to fix a 
couple of times.
Menus are configured in the following files:

I have added ncWMS in there as you can see, but for some unknown reason 
it gets moved to "Others" folder... still searching this issue.

I opened a ticket for this:

> The second problem is that the "Start ncWMS" link doesn't work after 
> installing the live DVD to the hard drive.  I know this was discussed 
> on the mailing list (issue #1141 - Projects using default tomcat...), 
> but I have copied the script used by 52nWPS and others:
> #!/bin/bash
> STAT=\`sudo service tomcat6 status | grep pid\`
> if [ "\$STAT" != "" ]; then
>     sudo service tomcat6 start
>   (sleep 2; echo "25"; sleep 2; echo "50"; sleep 2; echo "75"; sleep 
> 2; echo "100") | zenity --progress --auto-close --text "ncWMS starting"
> fi
> However I have checked 52nWPS and others and they have the same 
> problem - tomcat is not started.  To clarify, this works fine on the 
> live DVD, and only fails after installation to the hard drive.

This is a known issue, but I forgot to open a ticket for this.
What is the user name you used during installation?

As a workaround, you can add to the /etc/sudoers.d the following:

*<username> ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/service tomcat6 
start,/usr/sbin/service tomcat6 stop,/usr/sbin/service tomcat6 status*

We need to find a way to handle this for installed systems.

> Any help you can give me would be much appreciated.
> Regards,
> Guy Griffiths


Angelos Tzotsos
Remote Sensing Laboratory
National Technical University of Athens

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