[Live-demo] Issues with libgdal1 / php5-gdal

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 15 14:17:52 PDT 2013


> Long story short for GDAL, is that in the 1.10.0 update the libgdal1 
> package has been removed and replaced with libgdal1h which conflicts 
> with libgdal1. So if php5-gdal has been built against an older version 
> of GDAL, and then depends on libgdal1 it will conflict with all the 
> packages depending on the new libgdal1h and dpkg removes them.

just so I understand: in the past it was possible to have both
the official 12.04 LTS's libgdal1-1.7.0 installed, and also "libgdal1"
(whatever latest version) from UbuntuGIS. That way other Ubuntu packages
and software not part of the UbuntuGIS rebuilds could still be used. (e.g.

looking at http://packages.ubuntu.com/libgdal1 and
http://packages.debian.org/libgdal1 it seems that with newer gdal packages
the versioning went away from the package name, and so it is only possible
to have one version of libGDAL installed on a system.

If you have mixed-heritage installs like the OSGeo Live DVD or need to
run some 3rd party software it means updated packages from UbuntuGIS can't
be used at all: it's all or nothing.

is that an accurate appraisal of the current situation with UbuntuGIS?
Is the solution to add versioning to the UbuntuGIS libgdal1(h) package
name and leaving it off for the official one?


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