[Live-demo] OpenLayers updated to 2.13.1

Roald de Wit list at rdewit.net
Wed Jul 17 23:54:50 PDT 2013

Hi Cameron,

I'm afraid that I don't have a direct answer. I can imagine that the 
projects mentioned below check if they can point to the openlayers file 
in http://localhost/openlayers/OpenLayers.js to see if things still work 
as expected.

Please note that the OpenLayer.js file currently is not minimised. This 
could aid developers in finding errors. It is, however, very easy to 
have that version minified if need be.

Regards, Roald

On 18/07/13 10:04, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> Roald,
> Yes, disk space is always an issue.
> Do you have some suggestions on the best way to reduce Openlayers 
> based installs?
> On 16/07/2013 10:30 AM, Roald de Wit wrote:
>> Hi Brian,
>> Thank you very much for successfully testing the script in the latest 
>> build!
>> WRT to the plethora of OpenLayers installations on the disk: it may 
>> be worth having a discussion about this if disk space is a big issue.
>> Regards, Roald
>> On 16/07/13 03:06, maplabs at light42.com wrote:
>>> Hi Roald -
>>>   we have an abundance of OpenLayers on thie disk :-)
>>> Including the actual install, it seems there are six full copies of 
>>> the OpenLayers lib
>>> [ geonetwork, cartaro, mapfish, web2py, mapbender, openlayers ]
>>>   I am looking at the updated install script next...
>>>   best regards from Berkeley, California
>>> --
>>> Brian M Hamlin
>>> OSGeo California Chapter
>>> 415-717-4462 cell
>>> On Mon, 15 Jul 2013 22:03:02 +1000, Roald de Wit <list at rdewit.net> 
>>> wrote:
>>>     Hi all,
>>>     This is a FYI that I've just updated OpenLayers to 2.13.1 in svn
>>>     (install_openlayers.sh), hopefully just in time before the
>>>     feature freeze.
>>>     I have just updated the build script to generate the examples
>>>     index/search page and API docs. In order to do this, I needed to
>>>     work from a git clone of the OpenLayers repository, which
>>>     required a bit of a rewrite of the install script.
>>>     A very basic index page also gets generated now:
>>>     http://localhost/openlayers/
>>>     ...
>>>     <h2>OpenLayers
>>>     2.13.1</h2>
>>>     <ul>
>>>     <li><a  href="doc/  <view-source:http://localhost/openlayers/doc/>">API Docs</a></li>
>>>     <li><a  href="examples/  <view-source:http://localhost/openlayers/examples/>">Examples</a></li>
>>>     <li><a  href="http://openlayers.org/  <view-source:http://openlayers.org/>">OpenLayers.org
>>>     website</a></li>
>>>     </ul>
>>>     ...
>>>     The quickstart should still work as expected.
>>>     It would be nice if somebody can spend a few minutes reviewing
>>>     the updated script.
>>>     Fingers crossed that it will build just fine. :-)
>>>     Regards,
>>>     Roald
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> -- 
> Cameron Shorter
> Software and Data Solutions Manager
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