[Live-demo] Sextane Project Overview on OSGeo-Live
Cameron Shorter
cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Thu Jul 25 16:12:43 PDT 2013
Hi Victor,
Are you still planning to write a Sextane Project Overview for OSGeo-Live?
If it is to make it into the 7.0 release (for foss4g 2013), then we will
need a first draft for review within the next few days. Is this achievable?
If you have any questions, then please ask.
On 15/06/13 07:27, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> Victor,
> Following up on this email thread.
> We discussed Sextane in our weekly IRC meeting yesterday:
> http://irclogs.geoapt.com/osgeolive/%23osgeolive.2013-06-13.log
> Bottom line is that we would welcome a Sextane Project Overview, which
> references already existing Quickstarts from other applications. (Feel
> free to look at the other Quickstarts and see if you think they should
> be tweaked).
> Victor,
> Would you like to write a Sextane Project Overview?
> The documentation writing process is described here:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc#Documentation
> First thing you would need is to request OSGeo-Live subversion access,
> if you don't already have it, as per:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc#Subversion
> On 11/06/13 19:09, Hamish wrote:
>> Cameron wrote:
>>> I see that the Quickstart you reference is making use of
>>> QGIS. I note that we already have a QGIS quickstart, which
>>> mentions Sextante. I suggest that rather than create another
>>> quickstart, we should make use of the existing QGIS quickstart,
>>> which could be extended slightly to include one screen shot and
>>> a few more steps. (Note that we still want to keep the
>>> documentation concise, so that it is easy to maintain and
>>> test in future).
>> Hi,
>> I'd advise about adding much more to the QGIS quickstart, it's
>> already quite long and there is quite a lot to talk about while
>> just talking about the core functionality. wrt the GRASS and
>> SEXTANTE sections in the QGIS quickstart, I think the important
>> thing is to let users know that the (huge) resource exists, and
>> show them how to open the door to that functionality. But moving
>> too far beyond that is getting a bit out of scope.
>> So I'd encourage other solutions which added new content in
>> less crowded corners, and a "for more on this see..." at the
>> appropriate place in the QGIS doc.
>> regards,
>> Hamish
Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
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