[Live-demo] OSGeo-Live weekly meeting tomorrow (a day early)

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Wed Dec 3 09:23:00 PST 2014

"How is Mapbox Studio related to TileMill?

Mapbox Studio is a new map design application from Mapbox. It is powered
exclusively by vector tiles and aims to fully replace and improve upon
TileMill in functionality."



On 12/02/2014 01:46 PM, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
> Actually I misinterpreted the date,
> +1 on the new meeting time.
> On 12/02/2014 11:34 PM, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
>> +1 on moving the meeting one day back for this week.
>> Angelos
>> On 12/02/2014 11:24 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm going to be on the road during our using meeting time slot. Can
>>> we move our meeting forward one day? (see below for time):
>>> Agenda:
>>> * I've reached out to all existing projects, asking which version of
>>> their application will be installed on osgeolive 8.5. Results are
>>> being collected at
>>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Al9zh8DjmU_RdGIzd0VLLTBpQVJuNVlHMlBWSDhKLXc&hl=en_GB#gid=13
>>> * OpenLayers 3 will be a highlight for this project and is being
>>> updated. (Some help with this major update would be worth while)
>>> * I've heard back from the Cesium community who are interested to
>>> package Cesium in the next release.
>>> * The OGC CITE testing project plan to get back to us by the end of
>>> this week letting us know if they will add CITE to OSGeo-Live.
>>> * Tilemill's project contact has stepped down. Is the project a
>>> candidate for retirement?
>>> * Angelos: status of builds?
>>> * I've started an OSGeo Incubation audit for OSGeo-Live
>>> * What else?
>>> Timeslot:
>>> http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?day=3&hour=19&min=30&sec=0&p1=179&p2=189&p3=224&p4=22&p5=240&p6=196&p7=215
>>> Location     Local time     Time zone     UTC offset
>>> New York <http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/usa/new-york>(U.S.A.
>>> - New York)     Wednesday, 3 December 2014 at 2:30:00 PM     EST
>>> <http://www.timeanddate.com/time/zones/est>     UTC-5 hours
>>> Québec <http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/canada/quebec>(Canada -
>>> Quebec)     Wednesday, 3 December 2014 at 2:30:00 PM     EST
>>> <http://www.timeanddate.com/time/zones/est>     UTC-5 hours
>>> San Francisco
>>> <http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/usa/san-francisco>(U.S.A. -
>>> California)     Wednesday, 3 December 2014 at 11:30:00 AM PST
>>> <http://www.timeanddate.com/time/zones/pst>     UTC-8 hours
>>> Auckland
>>> <http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/new-zealand/auckland>(New
>>> Zealand)     Thursday, 4 December 2014 at 8:30:00 AM     NZDT
>>> <http://www.timeanddate.com/time/zones/nzdt>     UTC+13 hours
>>> Sydney
>>> <http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/australia/sydney>(Australia -
>>> New South Wales)     Thursday, 4 December 2014 at 6:30:00 AM AEDT
>>> <http://www.timeanddate.com/time/zones/aedt> UTC+11 hours
>>> Perth
>>> <http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/australia/perth>(Australia -
>>> Western Australia)     Thursday, 4 December 2014 at 3:30:00 AM    
>>> AWST <http://www.timeanddate.com/time/zones/awst> UTC+8 hours
>>> Rome <http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/italy/rome>(Italy)
>>> Wednesday, 3 December 2014 at 8:30:00 PM     CET
>>> <http://www.timeanddate.com/time/zones/cet>     UTC+1 hour
>>> Corresponding UTC (GMT)     Wednesday, 3 December 2014 at 19:30:00
>>> <http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20141203T1930>
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