[Live-demo] [OSGeo-Discuss] deegree on OSGeo Live DVD

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Tue Jul 8 14:14:35 PDT 2014


Updating the sheet is a good start but what follows after that is
1. updating the install script in our svn
2. testing the script
3. getting people to review the Overview and Quickstart docs.
4. testing that deegree works in the nightly builds

This page has good overview, no need to do the questionnaire since
this isn't a new project:


On 07/08/2014 01:49 PM, Danilo Bretschneider wrote:
> Hello Astrid,
> thanks for your response. Johannes has left the TMC in February. 
> Therefore it may be a good to idea to join the team. I will read
> the documentation at the OSGeo Wiki.
> For the next Release 8.0 of OSGeo Live DVD I have add the last
> current deegree webservices version 3.3.10 to the Google
> spreadsheet.
> Kind regards, Danilo
> Am 08.07.2014 21:44, schrieb Astrid Emde:
>> Hello Danilo,
>> it looks like Johannes Wilden is the right person to contact.
>> Have a look at: 
>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Al9zh8DjmU_RdGIzd0VLLTBpQVJuNVlHMlBWSDhKLXc&hl=en_GB#gid=13
>> You are welcome to join the OSGeo_live team 
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc#Contact_Us
>> Read more at: http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc
>> Best regards Astrid Emde
>> Am 2014-07-08 21:05, schrieb Danilo Bretschneider: Hi,
>> at FOSSGIS conference in March 2014 I have worked with the OSGeo 
>> Live DVD. I noticed that the Live DVD uses an old version of 
>> deegree webservices (3.3.1). Does anybody know who is the right 
>> person to contact?
>> I think that would be great, if the next OSGeo Live DVD use the 
>> newest version of deegree webservices.
>> Kind regards, Danilo

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